Healing our Ancestors from within One thing that I really - TopicsExpress


Healing our Ancestors from within One thing that I really connected with in the cleansing of the full moon is that sometimes our issues are not ours, they are carried from our ancestors. Is there something that you have been carrying with you all of your life for no known reason, ever since you were young? If its past life related then you will have a connection to it, the wound will hurt. If its your ancestors it wont make any sense, healing work wont access it and it wont resolve. When its from our ancestors unresolved wounds, then we carry it, as they are inside of us. We need to acknowledge this lineage in order to access it to then heal it for them, that part of them inside of us, and it will transform. If you want to try this, get comfortable, connect with higher self (not ego), or meditation mode and think of the issue at its core, recall any instances related to it throughout your life that have occurred and feel the feelings of it, without resisting it, then ask yourself is it the masculine line or feminine line of my ancestors? Feel one first then the other. (It could be both sides). Then once you have a feeling for it, follow it down the line until you feel you have reached the original wound. Often times its repeated and carried in every generation so its not hard to locate. Once youve identified the origin, hold it in love and healing and watch it dissolve. Imagine the energy held to it transforming, releasing and letting go as it starts to move because the space has been held for it to be released. When it happened your ancestor wasnt able to hold this space for it at the time and it was suppressed. You are creating the healing space and opportunity for them and for yourself. Dont heal the ancestors that are living, if you access the wound at its core, it heals it for everyone including the generation after you. And remember, healing is a journey, theres no destination xx Spontaneous Transformation
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 12:23:15 +0000

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