Healthy Eating 101 Tip: What is a healthy snack??? When people - TopicsExpress


Healthy Eating 101 Tip: What is a healthy snack??? When people decide that they want to get healthy they normally get all excited until they actually have to get to the grocery story and purchase their food. OMG...WHAT DO I BUY!!!??? Sound familiar? Well there is hope I promise...the key to all this is simplifying it! remember the old acronym KISS...KEEP.IT.SIMPLE....SILLY :-) Well you are going to do the same with the grocery store and your food! Now I know what you are thinking...Kim...I like variety!! I like to mix it up, I dont like bland food...Dont worry...its going to be ok :-) I have a little assignment for me on this...its kind of crazy. Most of us eat 12-15 foods on a regular basis. Some of those foods may bee healthy..some may not be, but in general we eat 12-15 of them. Dont believe me...go ahead try it! Make your list...I will share mine with you (there are 14 of them here, the list doesnt include you oils and seasonings...that is where all the fun comes in!!!): Meats: Lean ground chicken Lean ground turkey Chicken breast Fruit: Blueberries Strawberries Apple Veggies; Asparagus Green Beans Onion Sweet Potato Cauliflower Broccoli Beets Supplement: Shakeology So now here is the magic: start pairing things left and right!! Dont get so hung up on the word recipes or snacks...THAT is where MOST PEOPLE get all stressed out!! Todays society is so focused on snacks ...packaged snacks, to go snacks..quick everyone wants snacks!!! Over the course of the next week or so try shifting that mindset to 5-6 small meals per day. This will free your mind!!! Now you are thinking..ok this is great Kim...but what do I do with this new thinking?? How do I get 5-6 meals out of that list??? Here is what my typical day looks like..(disclaimer: I am on a AutoImmune Protocol Diet and then have further restrictions so there is no gluten, no dairy, no oils, no vinegars, no nightshades and my veggies and fruits are also limited along with my spices and seasonings.) Meal 1: 1.5 turkey patty (recipe in the photos) with sweet potato hash Meal 2: Grilled chicken with blueberry onion aspargus (recipe in photos) Meal 3: Shakeology Meal 4: Mashed Cauliflower Shephards Pie (recipe in photos) Meal 5: Chicken patty with green beans This will keep me satisfied throughout the day due to it being nutrient packed!!! See how easy that is when you KNOW what you like to eat... Now that you have your list you can go to the grocery store! Here are a few simple tips to understanding how the grocery store is set up and how you can avoid making the unhealthy healthy mistake :-) 1. Did you know that the grocery store is actually set up a certain way? MOST of the time the fresh foods are all on the perimeter of the store. Fresh foods like produce, dairy, meat, seafood...they are all on the perimeter...make loops in the grocery store and you are bound to be successful! 2. The CRAP (Carbonated, Refined, Artificial and Processed) foods all living in the center isles. STAY AWAY!!!!! 3. If you do purchase a boxed item check the ingredients list: NO MORE than 5 ingredients...and here is the kicker...THAT YOU CAN READ :-) 4. Bread: check the very FIRST WORD...IF it says enriched put it back!!! that means that all the good has been stripped from it! If you are buying whole wheat it should say WHOLE WHEAT as the first ingredient. 5. SUGAR!!! Check the sugar content...4g of sugar on the serving size nutrition label is equal to ONE packet of sugar. Some yogurts (yes even Greek ones) contain upwards of 23g of sugar per tell me...would you open 6 sugar packets and pour them into your container of yogurt??? I didnt think so... 6. Seasonings!!! OMG pull them out!! Mrs Dash is AWESOME on pretty much everything. Himalayan salt is lower in sodium than sea salt and has more of a sweet taste (my kids love it), cinnamon is REALLY REALLY good for you!!, poultry season added to your ground chicken and turkey make them very flavorful. 100% organic maple syrup added to ground meat gives you instant sausages (you only need 2 tbsp per 20oz of meat), McCormick makes a ton of blended spices!! Seasonings are generally very very low in calories and will make the world of a difference in your food... BIGGEST thing to take from this is KEEP IT SIMPLE!!! Make sure to check back for more Healthy Eating 101 Tips!!
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 00:21:51 +0000

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