Hear the word of the LORD, O nations, and declare in the - TopicsExpress


Hear the word of the LORD, O nations, and declare in the coastlands afar off... Jeremiah 31:10a The Words of the Lord through my friend Warrior Princess are found below. Heed them for He has told her to partner with me because He is calling more of the Bride in to know His Word! ~ Hope 12/29/14 - Word to WP Before I received this word I saw the following: I saw an explosion in the sky. Not a scary one, but just an explosion which rained down sparkles or something that looked like diamonds. Whatever it was rained down softly upon the Earth and was shimmery and beautiful! My child, thank you for making time for me. My Sparrows are discovering mysteries that have been hidden since the beginning of time. There is a path where I have laid out bread crumbs to show the way. Soon the path will shine with the brightness of diamonds and become crystal clear as my light shines the way. Follow the path. Now is the time to change your pace from walking to running as I pour out my spirit upon you! Be ready to receive more of me as I fill my empty vessels. We will soon march together out into the battlefield. The stakes are high my love as many souls hang between death and life. I will illuminate your path as we grow increasingly close to the start of the events that kick off the chaos. Soon you will be dressed in battle gear and you will also wear a crown of righteousness as you will be in your new bodies! It is coming. Encourage the sickly, the weary and those with heavy burdens. You are soon to be set free! Free in me! I love you my darling! Publish this! 12/27/14 - Word to WP My darling write these words. It will seem like a delay is occurring, but I assure you it is not. Everything is perfectly scripted. I am going to illuminate more so you and your friends might see more clearly as the day approaches. But you will not know until it is upon you. Here is wisdom: Ready your houses. Prepare your hearts. Live each day as if it were “the day” and love all I send across your path. Love the unlovely and those who persecute you. You can’t see the entire picture but each person’s life is carefully scripted for my divine purpose. Soon you will be changed and walk with me into battle. You have been trained for this. Study scripture and look for patterns. It is all there like nuggets of gold waiting to be unearthed. 12/24/14 - Word to WP My love write these words. Surely I come quickly. As events kick off, it will be a multitude of disasters that happen all at once. You will say “this is it”. “The signs are all there!” Do not be dismayed for I will be with you even if you feel forsaken you are not. I will illuminate your warrior angels encamped round about you and this you will see and know I am with you! I tell you this ahead of time. There are a few hours that you must endure before I call your name. Even so I will instruct you during these few moments of terror and chaos. The world will shake and people will panic but you my love will have my peace. My warnings have gone out now all over the world. I have warned for multiple years now. There is no time left and the hour glass is empty. I look to My Father to give the command. As He lifts his hand of protection off the land, then He sends me to retrieve My Bride. She will escape and will not be harmed, but she will see the suffering of others and be equipped to help them. She is a mighty warrior and only listens to my command. Unity and love are her beauty as she walks upon the face of the Earth helping my lost children. My love, you were created for this time that is upon you. Stay in me and do not fear for I am coming for you. As soon as the Father gives the command I will give it to my faithful messengers so they might give one more call out to my children. But mere moments remain! 12/21/14 - Word to WP My Darling, I am going to fill you to overflowing with my love and power to go out and walk in your kingdom purpose. This is upon you now! It will be like walking through a door. One step in your old body and then the next step before your foot meets the floor you will walk in your new body which has been prepared for you since before the beginning of time. Keep your eyes on the Heavens for soon I will sound the shofar and you will run to finish the race with my strength and power! Do not doubt but believe! For I come! My Bride is ready! She is ready to walk in my glory as One with me. Rejoice and keep your eyes upon your Bridegroom. We have work to do and then we celebrate! We will dance in Heaven under the most beautiful canopy imaginable. Share this with all for it is upon you! 12/16/14 - additional insight from WP for her Word below that pertains to the EQ. She felt it would be beneficial for you to know. (Also a note of my own...read her Word along with the one from Sept 7th this year!) It was very difficult Saturday to post this message! I know Jesus knew I would need extra encouragement, so I believe he had sister in Christ send me a message the day before letting me know that my next message would be serious and specific. Thank you sister for listening to the Holy Spirit! Also, with the love and encouragement of my beloved friends, I was brave enough to get this posted without delay! The Lord kept prompting me to journal yesterday, but I just could not find any quiet time at all! (I have 3 young children). I took one of my children with me to Target and while I was sitting in the car the Lord reminded me again to find a way to get some quiet time, and then he showed me Jonah and the whale! Yikes!! So I knew I had to be obedient! Then I was able to go by myself to pick up dinner and prayed and journaled in my car in front of the restaurant before I went in to get the food. This is where I received the message and was completely stunned by its content! I want to add a little bit more of what I saw while I received this message Saturday. When I heard the word “California”, I saw the entire state of California. There was no specific city given in any way. Then I saw a map of the US and it was like my eyes followed a line from California to NYC as I heard the word “New York City”. Not sure if the line represents anything, but I definitely also saw California first and NYC second and heard the words in that order as well. The other thing that I feel led to share is a vision that I saw several times for 2 days before this message came. Here is the vision: A girl dressed in warrior gear…earth tone colours… she is wielding a large sword. The battlefield is covered in casualties and smoke. She is perfectly protected. I believe she is in her glorified body! Even in her warrior gear, I can see a crown of some sort. Then she looks behind her at all that are standing with her, raises her sword high in the sky and then a battle cry of victory goes up! The war is over! You should have heard the roar! I have chills just typing it!! It was intense! I don’t know if this vision is related to the “Earthquakes”, but the more I think about it, perhaps I saw the aftermath and us in our glorified bodies carrying out kingdom duties during this devastation! I don’t know as I am just speculating, but it makes me wonder if they are connected somehow. 12/13/14 - Word from Warrior Princess This is not the kind of message I am used to. Please use discernment!! My love, listen closely to these words. Each word is specific and do not shrink back from what I am giving you now. A great earthquake is upon you. It will strike suddenly and without warning and will hit CA first and then New York City. There will be massive chaos as this happens. Note that NYC is in the East of the US. Once this happens the cosmic event will not be far off. Surely I will rescue my children. There will be many casualties, but those who are mine will come home right before this hits them. The angels will literally pull them up as the Earth splits. Those that are needed in certain areas will be transported there. This is extremely serious. Anoint your home and selves, pray for covering, pray for your neighbour and pray for all those that will be in the impact zone. I am telling you beforehand so you know I am in control and will not fear that these children are forgotten by me. They are not and will be divinely rescued! I don’t usually send these types of message through you but it is a warning that must go out. The First Call is not far off. (I see a picture of snowflakes falling on my eyelashes!) My love pray without ceasing! You need to deliver this tonight. This is not the Great Shaking but is a major birth pain. Orchestrated by the enemy internally. (Note I was not given any kind of time line) (Hope note - I spoke with WP on the phone and she was not given ANY specific area of California... just the state) 12/09/14 - Word from Warrior Princess My Love do not be distracted but write these words. (baby starts crying while I am trying to start my journal. Then the doorbell rings! I was very distracted to say the least!) Events are upon you. Many are still unaware of their closeness and maybe still in denial, but I tell you the entire world will be impacted by the Great Shaking that is coming! Now is the time to be fully prepared. Anoint your homes and anoint yourselves. Be sure your heart and eyes are set on me for I am your only Deliverer. (the Lord prompted me last night to re-anoint my home and my family!) What is coming is scary to those who are not prepared. It will certainly take them by surprise. I will need you to listen closely over the upcoming days for instructions for few days are left. Rejoice for the First Call is upon you!! (see note below) Notes from Hope - I was trained in the same group as WP so I can give you two definitions: Anoint your houses (and selves) - this means to find some oil, any will do, even vegetable oil. Pray that God will bless it and His will to be done, and whatever else you want to say about that oil. Then put some on your finger and anoint your forehead and family. There are other ways you can do this but this is what I have done. For your houses, I again put some on a finger and rub over the threshold of each doorway that leads outside. People go to great lengths and rub with oil all over their hands, up and down the sides of doors and windows and every door and nook and cranny. Each person is different. I keep it simple. Oh and I also do my internet connection as that is an outside influence as well. What does anointing do? It keeps your property lighted for the angels to see in the dark. This is what the Hebrews did for Passover and God has instructed us to follow suit in the way that we can. It also shows Him that we are obeying Him. First call - this is the transformation. This is NOT the Rapture, but this is what Jesus calls the transformation or translation of the Bride. He is calling in the first part of the Bride during the 3 days of darkness, and if you have been chosen by Him for this purpose, you will go in the first call. 12/07/14 - Word from Warrior Princess Today I felt the prompting on the Holy Spirit to get away to journal upstairs and the words were coming so fast I could barely write them out! Then as I walked down the stairs, my legs felt like jelly from shaking so much while I was writing! Very intense today! Please as always read with caution!! My Love, the Earth is about to shake. The great shaking is upon you. Even the entire world will be shaken and every heart will stop as it will be so great! The evil one is at work trying to destroy the last good works of my children, but he will be unsuccessful for my children will walk mightily in my power and will be untouchable as they bring in the Great Harvest! Hearts of the Lost will be softened so they might receive me, the lukewarm will be shaken awake and those who are ready now will be empowered mightily to carry out my kingdom purpose. My will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven! Remember the 3 day rule – apply it and know that the day draws near. Prepare your hearts for the mighty outpouring. When the events begin and there will be multiple signs that will converse, you will know and will not doubt. As the world shakes in terror, you my Beloved Ones will smile, rejoicing, dancing and celebrating for Your Redeemer comes!!! The World will say, “Who are these people that rejoice and continue to press forward?” They are mine and I am theirs, and we walk the Earth as One doing mighty acts of love as never seen before! Know this is upon you! This is a public word my love for all hearts need to be ready. Stand firm on my foundation which is steady and will not be shaken even when the entire Earth shakes. You have been trained! You have been mightily blessed! You will be my conduit of love and power to this lost and dying World. Know this - my children who don’t know me yet are not forsaken for I send you to rescue them. Be ready and on call for I am about to call you into service! (The 3-day Rule from Jesus as He has taught some of us... is that some of those that see visions and have dreams, are seeing those things happen in the spirit realm 3 days before they happen on Earth. Also, that He will give a Warning through Messengers 3 days before the shaking... I will certainly post what He sends! ~ Hope)
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 23:08:09 +0000

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