Heard a wonderful sermon on faith last week. As I sat in the pew, - TopicsExpress


Heard a wonderful sermon on faith last week. As I sat in the pew, I never even made eye contact with Amber, but knew what she was thinking. The preacher spoke about the mighty power of faith and the loyalty of god our father. All of which is very true, how faith the size of a mustard seed is sufficient. Again all very true. So where am I going? We all pray that god may take our struggles package them all up and return to sender. That our sickness will be cured or our childs. No doubt that the creator of everthing is capable. The pope recently said that god isnt a magician! No and he never claimed to be one. That night, as I have said before I truly felt that Raegan would be ok. I immediately took off walking and praying the calmness came over me. I returned up near the inner section, and heard an EMT yell for CPR. My faith not phased but my mind wandered is this really happening? I knew god had us. After all I had found him not in a time like this but long before. He would never forsake me. Raegan has since been with our father ever since. My mind, our minds, were all over the place. All coming to the same conclusion that we thought she would be fine. Our focus was on Emily. So back to faith. Faith in gods word or his will, is totally different than that of a miracle answering jack in a box that you summon in trouble. True faith should be placed in his will. True faith, one in which you may actually die of the cancer, one you have prayed about. His will being that you will soon enter paradise forever. Faith that your child who left to soon, there was a reason and that he knows exactly why. That is faith, wanting a god that we can understanding, defies all that we even know about him. We do not know his ways. When you pray, do just as the bible says, that his will be done on earth as it is in heaven. He is capable of all, and in the end the reconciliation of rightiousness will safice. That is true faith. Those of you that have lost, rethink your faith and do not be discouraged.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 23:56:36 +0000

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