Heaven: The Familiarity of Home Bible tells us that Heaven is - TopicsExpress


Heaven: The Familiarity of Home Bible tells us that Heaven is our home and that we will have mansions. I have been told that the mansions are figurative and have been told that they are literal. Whatever you believe, this is my story. Up until recently, I would shake in my boots every single time someone would mention that we would all have mansions. That may sound funny to most of you but to me it was horrid. I am very much a social butterfly. My sickness hurt me so much, in fact, because I could not drive, I could not leave the house, and my words were not making much since to anyone. When I leave for a mommy break, I cant stay gone very long because I NEED to be with my family. If I dont see a friend at church I miss them terribly until the next week. When I have had to stay home from church, when I was too sick to go, I would begin to cry about 30 minutes into it because I hated to be alone. I need people, friends, and family. That is how God has wired me. So to think that I would be alone in a giant mansion by myself does not put a smile on my face. David Smith on the other hand, loves being alone with his thoughts and feels reenergized afterwords. In my studies God has brought a newness to this thought. When we say the word home what does it mean to you? It means memories, family, love, fun, FAMILIARITY. If my mansion is literal, and I believe it is, the God that loves me will make it familiar to me. Maybe my favorite flowers will be in a vase on a table with my favorite scriptures on the wall. Maybe my work will keep me out about, instead of inside, because that is how he made me. When it is time for a moment alone maybe that is when my mansion will feel right to me. Maybe I will walk beside the lake and pass my children and be overjoyed that they get to experience this too. Maybe David will have a job in quite surroundings and wave as I pass by to do my work. Your loved ones are a central quality of home. We will all eat together at a feast, we will work and pass each other to and fro. I absolutely know the blessings that God gave me through my children and through my best friend, my husband. Yes, we will not live as husband and wife. We will not need to. Your desire will be changed. We forget that we are under the curse. In the book of Genesis do you remember Adam and Even prior to the Garden? They were like best friends. But, the desire changed after sin entered. The Bible says this: Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy SORROW and thy CONCEPTION; in SORROW thou shall bring forth children; and thy DESIRE, shall be to thy HUSBAND, and He shall RULE OVER THEE. We are not married because we are no longer under our husbands rule and we will no longer bring forth children in pain. But if all is restored, we will be friends. After all... And Adam said, This is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of Man. Do you remember what it was like when you were really young and you loved having someone to play with and everything made you happy? You didnt know all the sorrows you know now. I think we will be restored to that kind of thinking again with friends, family, and complete strangers that we are meeting for the first time. Heaven will be familiar and so will that mansion.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 21:47:09 +0000

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