Hebrews 11, is called The Hall of Faith. We need to study and - TopicsExpress


Hebrews 11, is called The Hall of Faith. We need to study and linger long, that our faith may come strong in God, for in this Scripture we get a view of the history of Israel and the Church, as it is written by faith. There are many examples of faith found in this Chapter, such as, they worshiped by faith as Abel. They walked by faith as Enoch, They worked by faith as Noah. They lived by faith as Abraham. They governed by faith as Moses. They followed by faith as Israel. They followed by faith as Joshua. They conque- red by faith as Gideon. They subdued kingdoms by faith as David. They walked through the fire by faith as the Three He- brew Children. They closed the mouth of hungry lions by faith as Daniel. By faith they were patient in suffering, courageous in battle, made strong out of weakness, and were victorious in defeat. They were more than conquerors by faith. It is only by faith in the all- powerful- Christ that we can be superior to circum- stances, and victorious over all the evil forces that would de- stroy us. Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. The faith of true Believers inspires us, but we look to Jesus as our example of faith. By faith, He will help us to move the mountains standing in our way straight, so we can walk hand in hand in our journey through life (Matthew 17:20).
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 19:50:00 +0000

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