Hell in the cell #Result2013 Curtis Axel and Big E. Langstons - TopicsExpress


Hell in the cell #Result2013 Curtis Axel and Big E. Langstons showdown for the Intercontinental Championship will have to wait; Axels hip injury instead led to Kofi Kingston and Damien Sandow going to battle. Langston challenged Dean Ambrose during the pre-show, allowing the powerhouse to still get a title shot. Sandow called John Cena a false idol as he sauntered to the ring, promising to keep a close eye on Cenas world title match. In his own match, Sandow began by stomping Kingston in the corner. Kingstons speed soon hadThe Wildcat take the advantage. Kingston had some impressive moments, but Sandow kicked out when he had to and turned to his full nelson slam for the win. Result Sandow wins via pinfall. Memorable Moments and Quotes Arent you slack-jawed mouth breathers just beaming with anticipation, Sandow to the Miami fans. Kingston avoids getting thrown in the steel steps by leaping over them and then uses them to launch himself at Sandow. Grade B Analysis Without any story leading into it, Sandow and Kingston put on a solid match. Kingston looked like a worthy foe and the bout offered Sandow a stage to show off his viciousness. WWE continues to have Sandow shake off his long losing streak with wins like these, prepping the fans to see him as a legitimate world champ. Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Photo: WWE The title shot The Usos were owed as No. 1 contenders merged with Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins rematch. The Usos and Cody Rhodes and Goldust began the bout very respectfully, seemingly holding back. The tone changed once Reigns and Rollins entered the fray. Reigns pulled at Goldusts face and Rollins mocked his face-painted foe, calling him old man. The Shield punished Goldust, leaving him crawling around the ring in pain. Rhodes went on a flurry and seemed close to putting Rollins away when The Usos forced their way in and got a few near-falls on The Shield. The pace of the match quickened. Victory seemed in everyones grip at one point, but the Rhodes brothers teamed up to get a pin on Rollins. Result Rhodes pins Rollins after the Cross Rhodes. Memorable Moments and Quotes The Shield ripped The Usos from the apron as Goldust tried to tag them. Jimmy Usos tossed Rollins in the air and landed a thunderous Samoan drop. Rhodes superplexed Rollins to the outside, colliding with every combatant in the match. Grade A- Analysis The animosity between the teams and the titles being on the line gave the match a compelling energy from the beginning. This was a fantastic opener that utilized each teams strengths and set the bar high for Hell in a Cell. Each team looked strong and the idea of seeing any combination of them going at it again is an enticing one. The Miz Promo Photo: WWE The Miz limped to the ring and announced he wasnt medically cleared, but wanted a fight with Bray Wyatt anyway. He dared The Eater of Worlds to come at him. Wyatt sent Erick Rowan and Luke Harper in his stead. The two brutes brawled with Miz until Kane ran in and tossed them aside. With the Wyatt Family gone, Kane chokeslammed Miz. Result Kane returns to attack Miz. Memorable Moments and Quotes Get out of your Cracker Barrel rocking chair, Miz to Wyatt. Your words mean less than salt to me Wyatt to Miz. Grade A- Analysis The Wyatt and Miz feud got some tension added to it with their exchange of words. The surprise of Kane is a fun one. It looks as if hes decided to follow the buzzards and join Wyatt. This segment was a great teaser, as it created some questions and leaves fans hungry to know whats next. Fandango and Summer Rae vs. Great Khali Photo: WWE An unscheduled match saw Fandango team up with his longtime dance partner, Summer Rae against The Great Khali and Natalya. The two Divas attacked each other aggressively and traded some solid technical wrestling sequences, with a few dropkicks tossed in. Natalya put Fandango in the Sharpshooter and Hornswoggle provided a distraction by laughing at him. There was little to speak of beyond that, the filler match ending with Summer using a school boy pin for the win. Result Summer pinned Natalya for the win. Memorable Moments and Quotes Im better than Jimmy the Greek, Im like Nostradamus, JBL. Grade C- Analysis This is the kind of match that can poke holes in a pay-per-views momentum. The Miami fans reacted to Khali entering with stone faces, never a good sign. Summer had flashes of good ring work, but this was a mostly lifeless match that belonged more on Raw. Dean Ambrose vs. Big E. Langston (United States Championship) Photo: WWE Big E. Langston got the win, but not the title. Dean Ambrose taunted him to open the bout before slapping him in the face. Langston went on an offensive run, rattling the ring with power moves. Ambroses chops only seemed to anger Langston who pounded on the champ for much of the match. Getting tossed to the outside had Ambrose limping from a pained left knee, but the champion regained the advantage after slamming Langston into the ring apron. The two foes cracked heads and Langston suffered a cut under his eye that bled all over Ambrose. It was Ambrose though, who pulled a Roberto Duran and called it quits mid-match. He allowed himself to be counted out as he stumbled around the ring. Result Langston wins by count-out. Memorable Moments and Quotes The Bella Twins, Hornswoggle, The Brooklyn Brawler, we got all the stars, JBL. Langston knocked Ambrose to the outside with a huge shoulder block. Grade B+ Analysis Langston looked like a train tearing through a wooden barricade at times. He was impressive enough here to earn a second title shot and would make an intriguing champion. Ambrose called spots really loudly a few times and seemed annoyed with the big man at times. CM Punk vs. Paul Heyman and Ryback (Hell in a Cell) Photo: WWE Never one to leave an opportunity for villainous ingenuity unseized, Paul Heyman rode to the ring on a scissor lift and then belittled CM Punk as he had it place him atop the Hell in a Cell. Punk and Ryback then battled underneath, Punk taking little time to bring a kendo stick into the action. Ryback flung him into the cells wall, cracked him with the stick and mocked him. The match slowed from here, Ryback flinging Punk around or else holding him in wear-down holds. A table soon became the center of the action as Ryback tried to split Punk atop it before Punk later broke the table thanks to an elbow drop in Rybacks chest. Punk hit the Go to Sleep for the win. Kendo stick in hand, Punk climbed up and throttled Heyman with it. Result Punk wins by pinfall and gets his revenge on Heyman on the roof of the cage. Memorable Moments and Quotes There is the man who is going to collect your soul, Heyman to Punk. Ryback suplexed Punk into the cage several times in a row. Ryback dropped Punk, family jewels first, on the edge of a table. Grade C+ Analysis The low grade is a result of falling short of expectations. For a Hell in a Cell match, the presumed final chapter in a long, personal rivalry, this was surprisingly low-energy. The beatdown on top of the cage was a memorable moment, but the match before it dragged and was among the least impressive in this feud. Los Matadores vs. The Real Americans Photo: WWE Zeb Colter doubted the legal immigration status of Los Matadores and the crowd in the American Airlines Arena before his tag team went into action. Diego hit some flying moves early, but hurt his leg on the outside. Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro pounced on him, keeping him in their corner and alternating using the bullfighter as a punching bag. Cesaro used the Cesaro Swing, but he and Swagger soon found themselves playing the victim. Los Matadores escaped the Patriot lock and hit their double-team suplex for the win. El Torito came in to throw some offense in as well. Result Los Matadores won via pinfall. Memorable Moments and Quotes Hes a mini-taur, but hes not a minotaur, Michael Cole. The crowd roared upon seeing the Cesaro Swing. Did he give me the middle hoof? JBL on El Torito. Grade B- Analysis Surprising pockets of drama led to this match being enjoyable filler. It was a silly, quick and fun bout meant to provide an emotional breather between big matches and did that job solidly. John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio (World Heavyweight Championship) Photo: WWE The story of this match was how John Cena would do in light of recovering so soon from injury and battling ring rust. Alberto Del Rio attacked the arm immediately, a vulture swooping in on a freshly fallen carcass. Del Rio was relentless to begin with, initiating a quick pace and kicking Cenas injured arm whenever it was within reach. The champion grinned as he hit his moves and cranked Cenas arm back. This attack forced Cena to be in survival mode for the most part. After Del Rio missed a dropkick and slipped through the ropes and crashed hard on the outside, Cena managed to get some of his trademark offense in. The two men traded being on top for brief moments, the match becoming more enthralling as it went along. Del Rio clamped on the cross armbreaker, tearing at Cenas brace as he did it. Cena powerbombed out of it. The Attitude Adjustment was not far behind as was Cenas third world title reign. Result Cena wins the World Heavyweight Championship by pin. Memorable Moments and Quotes Cenas pop, with an undertone of boos, was electric. Del Rio mocked Cenas you cant see me gesture, but soon got dropkicked in the face. Del Rio escaped the STF thanks to the very tips of his fingers reaching the ropes. Grade A Analysis Cenas critics are going to bemoan his Superman-like qualities in this match, but it was a fantastic bout. Del Rio looked like a predator and wily strategist who came up just short against a warrior. The drama generated here is why pro wrestling is so awesome, regardless of how you feel about the winner. The world title suddenly gets a boost in its interest level with the companys biggest star holding it. AJ Lee vs. Brie Bella (Divas Championship) Photo: WWE Brie Bella challenged for the AJ Lee for the second straight pay-per-view. Brie laid AJ out with a good-looking punch early on. Moments later, she was rolling around the outside of the ring, thanks to AJ sending her face to the floor. Brie later accidentally kneed her sister in the face, thinking she was hitting Tamina Snuka. AJ used the distraction to slap on the Black Widow. The challenger soon tapped. Result AJ wins via submission. Memorable Moments and Quotes AJ ripped Bries headband off and tossed it aside before delighting in hurting her opponent. AJ and Brie traded some excellent reversals near the end. Grade B Analysis Brie still has some sloppy moments, but she has been getting better as of late. This was a competitive match that was entertaining and built on animosity. AJ is going to run out of challengers soon though, unless Tamina turns on her or Paige comes to the main roster. Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton (WWE Championship/Hell in a Cell) Photo: WWE Randy Orton, the Hell in a Cell veteran between him and Daniel Bryan, used the environment to cause suffering early on. He sent Bryan crashing into the steel steps and rubbed his head into the cell wall. Bryan dished out his own torture soon after, hanging Orton upside down and dropkicking him in the head. Ortons gleeful look as he sent Bryan into the ring post, Bryans powerbomb and a long exchange of European uppercuts helped build the match toward the climax. Bryan took Ortons lead in mercilessness, grinding Orton against the cage. He then threw in about a dozen chairs into the ring, readying himself for an attack that never came. Orton picked through the pile of chairs and reddened Bryans back again and again. Shawn Michaels seemed to think of stopping the match a few times, one of which was when Orton superplexed Bryan onto a small mountain of chairs. Triple H came down to argue Michaels officiating. This distracted him to the point that Orton and Bryan collided into The Heartbreak Kid, knocking him out. The chaos that ensued ended with Micheals hitting Bryan with Sweet Chin Music and Orton taking advantage of the kick. Did Michaels do it as an instinctual reaction to Bryan hitting Triple H or was this a calculated move. Result Orton wins by pinfall to win the WWE Championship. Memorable Moments and Quotes Daniel Bryans a quick learner, JBL on Bryan using the steel steps on Orton. Bryan hit two suicide dives before Orton turned the third one into a meeting of Bryans head and steel. The slow dissection of Bryan by The Viper, Michael Cole. Bryan kneed Triple H in the face. Grade A Analysis This felt far more personal than the CM Punk Hell in a Cell, as well more violent and barbaric. Bryan and Orton pulled off the best match in their series thanks at a great energy from both men and the drama and confusion that was its final chapter.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 04:18:29 +0000

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