Hell keep you young Time after time Ive heard these four words - TopicsExpress


Hell keep you young Time after time Ive heard these four words Hell keep you young and every morning when Id awake my back still hurt and my stiff knee from a recent surgery was stiff as usual. The months have past and if anything, my back hurts more and the presence of my stiff knee is still on my mind when I walk to the kitchen to prepare my morning coffee. It wasnt till recently that I started to figure out what was meant when people told me hell keep you young. I was sitting in front of the TV singing M I C K E Y just like I do every morning at least three times and it dawned on me I was alone My son Joshua had crawled into the kitchen and there I was singing Mickey Mouse all by myself. Hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog !! My radio in the car plays childrens songs and I was asked to stop singing apples and bananas by my wife as I was shopping at Walmart the other day. Yes children do keep you young, but its not your body its your mind. Along with other things my children keep me close to God because I thank him every day for both of them and for a good wife that can put up with me. Life is good ....
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 23:30:45 +0000

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