Hello Again :) One Week of a Facebook Break and Social Media - TopicsExpress


Hello Again :) One Week of a Facebook Break and Social Media Timer Thoughts: As some of you know (if you didnt notice thats ok too! I still love you... LOL) I took a true 1 week break from FB and did a social media timer to do some soul searching and deal with something I have been unable to except. Sometimes its easier to blind yourself with unimportant things so you dont have to deal with the things in front of you. But as everyone knows there comes a time when you have to face something no matter how heartbreaking. (Sorry to be vague but its a close to the heart issue so I have to keep it within my circle. For those that listened this week and were there for me thank you and I love you to moon and back times infinity). My plan was to stay off FB but we all know for business and just to stay in touch its hard to give up. Since I dont have TV I was starting to feel like I lived in a cave... Plus we all know some one has to keep my husband in check so the government doesnt show up at our door so I am coming back but with a whole new vision of how FB and Social Media will be ALLOWED to be in my life. Yes I said ALLOWED because I am allowing it my life. What does that mean... I control the Internet Beast not the other way around! POSITIVES OF BREAKING: 1. No more game invites. 2. No more drama (not mine but others) 3. More time for soul searching, having deep conversations, blogging and finishing up things that need to be done. 4. No more event invites to events of people that never talk to me in person. 5. No more FB conversations with people that dont talk to me off FB. 6. No more random people asking me to do things or give them things. 7. No more stalkers. 8. Nights full of sleep now that Im not checking my phone as soon as I wake up at all hours of the night. 9. I learned how much of a time sucker it was. 10. MOST IMPORTANT: Being in the moment with people in front of me vs sitting in the same room not speaking while I check statuses and comment with people that dont see me or speak to me off FB. I no longer have a excuse to not pick up the phone and call those I love and care about. I strongly believe that FB and technology as a whole gives us a reason to have shallow relationships and a excuse to be rude even to our parents, siblings and friends by texting, FB/Social Media posting vs communicating. As my brother says Its the Devil. When is the last time you called someone to talk to them vs posting or texting? NEGATIVES OF BREAKING: 1. I missed my kids, friends and families posts and pictures. 2. MOST IMPORTANT: I am thankful for FB for bringing old friends and new friends into my life and I missed those posts too! I now know to be a good wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend and person I have to follow these... RULES: 1. Limit my time on my phone so if it takes me forever to respond Im sorry but you are always welcome to call :) 2. FB & Social Media should never replace face to face or calling someone. People need to hear your voice and see your face. 3. MOST IMPORTANT: While spending time with people NEVER social media when you could be spending precious moments with family and friends. While you are busy texting, FBing and being a social media butterfly the ones you love could really be needing you to listen and hear them not just half listen. Pictures can be taken but share them after not during! Tees New Life Quote: The people in your phone or on the internet are never more important then those in front of you.... Unless its your Parents because they trump everyone Love & Hugs T
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 12:38:54 +0000

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