Hello Dear Ones, Many of you are caring for a loved one who is - TopicsExpress


Hello Dear Ones, Many of you are caring for a loved one who is very ill or dealing with the death of someone very close to you. It’s okay to be angry. It is normal and natural to be angry when someone you love leaves. We are not used to going through the dying experience. It used to be that we were dealing with people dying when they were very old. Now we are going through a totally different cycle. We are younger, and we are dealing with our friends who are going, who are also younger. It is an experience that we are not prepared for. We have been shunning this whole concept of death for so long, and now suddenly it is here. It is right in our midst. And it is happening every day. Remember, death is not negative. Death is a positive step in life. We are all going to leave this life at some point and there is nothing to be afraid of. I have always had this very strong feeling that we arrive in the middle of the movie, and we leave in the middle of the movie. The movie is continuous. We enter and we exit. All of us do that. There’s no wrong time or right time, there’s just our time—it was our time to be born and our time to go. I believe that long before we arrive, the soul makes the choice to experience certain lessons—lessons about loving each other and ourselves. When we learn the lesson of love, we may leave with joy. There is no need for pain or suffering. We know that next time, wherever we choose to incarnate, we will take all of the love with us. If you are caring for someone who is dying, focus on who they are as a person, not on their disease. I like to remind them of how wonderful they are—how funny, thoughtful, wise, or kind. And I often bring up favorite memories of our time together. Most important, I allow them to lead the process. We need to respect where people are. I simply ask how they feel in any given situation, and let their answer direct where our conversation will go from there. The more peaceful we can be with this experience, the easier it will be.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 23:19:56 +0000

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