Hello Everyone. It’s been quite an eventful week. Wanted to - TopicsExpress


Hello Everyone. It’s been quite an eventful week. Wanted to apologize if it seems that I haven’t posted as much lately. Unfortunately, I’ve been dealing with some health related issues. I hope to see this turn around soon. Wanted to thank everyone for their pitching in with content & discussions. As we continue to grow and see new members & perspectives, it’s quite exciting. Consequently, “welcome to the new members - please feel free to peruse the various content in our (your) group here. As you all know, we’ve recently lost one of our valued moderators/admins: Kirak Cursor (Vijay). This does NOT mean that he is anti-REDG, nor does it mean he isn’t a Fan or Investor. He has chosen to break free from being a moderator/admin of this group to pursue his own truth-seeking mission of sorts. Vicariously, he may be doing so for many. This does not mean we are against each other. When we created/launched this site, we all had a basic agreement that this would be different than other forums and would align with our “about” section. The bottom line is we all still strive to focus on the potentials, actuals and spotlights of all things REDG. Matter of fact, Kirak (Vijay) has recently been in direct contact with Benny. He will be communicating his general experience on the official (main) Red Giant Entertainment Facebook Site. LOOK FOR THAT OVER THIS WEEKEND! He will also be stopping by here too… We have a few items we’re working on for near-future posts that I’m sure everyone will enjoy. We encourage and should continue to post as we have here recently – from numerous members. We may not always see eye-to-eye and that is fine. This helps differentiate us from the rest. There is a sense of responsibility to all group members: Fans, Artists and Investors alike. It is very easy for other forums to perhaps criticize us for being a “happy/sunny” place of outlook, or the perception of comments being arbitrarily deleted, etc.. The facts are, posts are seldom deleted and majority stick. We believe that we have a different readership within a more varied & diverse group, so we prefer alternating topic integrity. While they may greatly appreciate the talent: not all investors are necessarily fans of the Artists. Not all Artists are investors - nor are they fans of the commentary from the investor community (especially those filled with vitriol). Some are here for a purpose to learn and others out of curiosity of new products/company, etc.. Some may wonder why we’ve combined the investor end and the creative end? Well, we strongly believe that they’re inherently connected. We need the creative folks as well as investors to grow. It just shows us here that both entities are REAL. Take a look around at the post list of VIP’s to have joined to date – as well as artist spotlights, due diligence and the investors being involved, etc.. Catch-22 situations… Some will not like the fact they can’t “bash” or expound upon frustration over & over. They will say we don’t want to discuss “reality”. It’s all relative. Some will not like that the majority here look for the silver lining vs. the downpour. Then again, when discussions that are not as positive unfold, those that have come here to seek refuge from other forums comment that we’re turning into iHub. So we must maintain a fine balance on all levels. We consider ourselves an alternate resource of info/perspective. We’re not going to be perfect, nor claim to be. However, others may claim that we’re only “sunshine”. HA! They really need to take a look around here on some other posts/sub-posts we have that show the opposite. :-) Moreover, we’re not shy in stating that this group site will not harbor those that want the company harm or those who are basically hateful or constantly negative. For instance, we have one guy on the main REDG FB page (banned member of our site) that keeps implying that I live in Florida and that I’m someone from REDG. I just gotta shake my head and laugh. These are the types of folks that can go to other forums... Wishing everyone a great weekend. Take care all. $REDG
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 08:26:25 +0000

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