Hello Everyone, This has been a challenging journey but on the - TopicsExpress


Hello Everyone, This has been a challenging journey but on the horizon lies hope that all will be well soon. I am still in the hospital but soon to be released either sometime Sat. or Sunday. I am to return on the following Saturday for a quick general anesthesia moment to remove a stint associated with the kidney surgery. My lower right back was compromised with injury when I was sick the first two weeks so the prognosis for this is now rest, pain management meds, and physiotherapy for the duration of my time here in Kenya. With time the doctors feel I will be able to go back to my usual activities without pain meds. I am to not climb any stairs so my stay with Margaret with come to a close in just a few short days. Margaret and I will still be in touch with each other just not be able to live in the same place. We are trying to find me a place to relocate with no stairs and closer to the outpatient care needed for my recovery. This whole experience has been humbling, not only have I learned even more about myself but I have met some of the most remarkable people whose light shine so brightly as they go about their work. Compassion, love, and an enduring faith that always gave me a sense of comfort when I was so frightened. There were many days that I felt I could no longer go on but they kept me going, always praying by my bedside, and always telling me it would be okay. Many came to visit the mzungu not even knowing who I was. This is why I have such great respect for these people, despite all their own hardships, they never wavier in their love for others! A special thank you goes out to Josephine who has stayed by my side 24/7 since the first day always giving me the best of care, and Margaret who kept up the home front even though she was the most worried. I want to say thank you as well to all of you. You have been by my side through FB and I appreciate all the prayers and love sent my way. What great friends! What wonderful love you have shared with me. I am disappointed I did not finish my objectives as planned and I feel saddened by this failure, but I will return I know to try again! Much love to all of you, and as the days unfold I will be on FB to share more stories and photos. Good night for now!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 18:32:47 +0000

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