Hello Friends!!! I hope everybody is enjoying their evening the - TopicsExpress


Hello Friends!!! I hope everybody is enjoying their evening the way they like too, but I hope its a safe night for all of you. I want to share with you for the last time this year the Good News found in Gods Word. I love studying it and psalms 119:105 explains why: Your word is a lamp to my foot, And a light for my path. There is wisdom in the Word of God. Have you ever received a letter from a person you love dearly that is off somewhere far away? Dont you cherish that letter so much? In fact we keep them forever and we read them and re read them over and over, and each time we do we get more out of it, feel closer to the person that wrote to us, and builds our joy and love for them. Well Jehovah God has written us a letter in his inspired word. He writes it to us because he wants us to know who he is, what he has done, and what he purposes to do. So if we read this letter from God everyday, by opening our bible and meditating upon his word we will feel joy and grow closer to knowing him and his instructions for us. Gods laws are not popular in this old world, but he created us, and he knows whats best for us, and loves us so much we cant even fathom. If you read just 5 chapters in your bible every day, you can finish it in one year. Do you know Jehovah God had his word written down for us? Well it started with Moses and the people of Israel. Ex 20:18-20 explains that he at first spoke directly to his people, but it frightened them because their was thunder and lightening and mountains smoking, so they asked Moses to plead with Jehovah to just speak to him and have him relate the message to them. lol.. Wed probably be scared to if we heard loud thunder and smoke rose from the mountains, so as a loving provision, God began to have his word written. Over 40 men wrote the bible. Not from their own thoughts but being led along by Gods Holy Spirit. 2Timothy 3:16 All scripture is inspired of God...... He could have had angels write the bible but would it have had the special meaning it does for as humans if it were written by such powerful high servants. He used Men who were meticulous in how they wrote it but he also allowed for their own backgrounds to show. For instance, David, was a shepherd, and thus often refers to shepherding in the books he wrote, and Matthew he was a tax collector, and so the book of Matthew contains a lot of emphasis on numbers, and Luke was a physician, and so his recordings speak more of the sicknesses and is the only gospel that mentions where Jesus heals the ear that is cut off of the soldier. And so by using humans, imperfect humans, like us, God made his word something we can relate too and appreciate. Now it can still be hard to understand and thats why I encourage you to watch this video and see how a Bible study can be conducted with you at your convenience, when and where you prefer and without charge. You may wonder why Jehovahs Witnesss volunteer their time to offer this assistance to you. Well I believe the bible answers that in the 3rd book of John in verses 5-8. Now this is the 3rd book of John, its at the very back of your bible and its right before the book of Jude and Jude is right before Revelations, which most know is the last book in the bible. Anyway I say that in hopes youll look it up for yourself and see what it says. 3John 5-8 Beloved one, you show your faithfulness in what you do for the brothers, even though they are strangers to you.+ 6 They have given a witness about your love before the congregation. Please send them on their way in a manner worthy of God.+ 7 For it was in behalf of his name that they went out, not taking anything+ from the people of the nations. 8 So we are under obligation to show hospitality to such ones,+ so that we may become fellow workers in the truth. They feel they have a precious treasure in Gods word and I believe they do, They want to share it with you and as Ive said Im not one of Jehovahs Witnesss, but I dip into it daily and I see why they think that. Friends this organization is so different than any Church or Religion out there. I encourage to watch the video Im about to post at the bottom and also check out these websites that really open the doors to what goes on in this organization. JW Broadcasting can be found at tv.jw.org/#live/StreamingOurOrganization . And the website where the video and many other videos about the Bible and the organization and things that can help people going through struggles in life find comfort in Gods Word. https://jw.org/en/free-bible-study/. I hope you all will explore this unique organization and become informed about what they are really about. And I hope you all will find the joy and peace that Ive been experiencing by drawing closer to our creator and Heavenly Father Jehovah God. I love you all. Have fun tonight, but be safe, and love one another.......
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 04:14:12 +0000

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