Hello Friends and Foes: Hope this message finds you all well. I - TopicsExpress


Hello Friends and Foes: Hope this message finds you all well. I do not have much time to drop in on facebook, however, this evening I took a look at all the replies and it is evident to me, my continued determination to further Carafino in this market is for nil. The feed back that I have received from the hydro foil community had been one of the initial reasons I took some time off from this project. It is clear that the world is full of some very envious and evil people. None of which I have the motivation to change. With the exception of Tim Fitzgerld, all the postings here are not worth continuing to dedicate myself to a fruitless business endeavor. I did find some humor in Mr. Josh Patterson and Mr. Petar Ivanov postings and I thank you for that. To be able to laugh at the situation, temporarily, is heart warming. Mr. Jason Cane writes that our hydrofoil manufacturing is closed. I do not know where he obtain this information or the gal to write such misleading statements, particularly when Mr. Cane has his products and still owes Carafino 500 USD on the shipping? For Mr. Tony Parsons to write that Carafino foils are made of plastic is poor taste to his overall judgement. I have depleted my motivation to continue proving we make 100% UD carbon fiber t bars. However, I thank you Mr. Parsons for your comments. It solidifies my decisions for what comes next. For Mr. G Simpson and Mr. Kris Souther, if you doubt that my experience and the experience of others who have ridden metal foils in offshore waters, has not attracted the curiosity of a shark(s). I do not recommend you go riding off the coast too far on a metal foil. Mr. Sean Coffey and Mr. Rick Cavallaro offer some legal advice in their posting as well. Thank you Sean and Rick for your input. Mr. Marvin Baumeister has written that I have lost my shit. Thank you for your comment Mr. Marvin. I say to you, that every time you go to ride your hydrofoil, regardless of brand name, it is because I lost my shit creating this sport and bringing to the market about 12 years ago, where were you then? However, I wish you the best rides of your life, enjoy it, that is why I pursued to lose my shit, so people could enjoy flying. Mr. René Jobin has written that I have lost my balls and deserve a slap in my head. However, I never give to much seriousness on what the French say. Because if it was not for my grandfather and many others fighting in world war 2, all the French would be speaking German. For Mr. Andrew T. Miller, I did answer your previous posting regarding your question, however, someone deleted the posting. It was not me. If I was deleting posting, or hiding the sentiment of customers, I would have deleted and banned all the comments negative withing this page. I have and continue to acknowledge and accept responsibility for the products delay. I have and continue to meet my responsibilities, however not fast enough. Again, I remind you all, that it has been your constant lack of support, belittling, ridicule and persecution that have amplified the death of motivating forces to continue on. For some, this should have been evident when I pulled out of the kite forums and maintained the social media presence only with facebook. However, now that this cancer of online negativity has found it self here, I shall be closing down this web page in the next week to spare myself the waste of time and personal exposure to all this bad energy. I have always been controversial in my opinions, never one to be a follower, never one to be persuaded through political consensus. I am a dreamer and a doer, while trying to maintain a balance of practicality. Under the current scenario, I do not want to do anymore foil business, particularly with the group at large. Had all the postings in this forum been that of positive feedback and moral boosting, I would have been able to maintain the drive to continue on. But such is not the case, as evident by the kite forums and this facebook page. After reviewing all the postings, I realized Carafino and myself are a drowning entity. Hydrofoils have been more of a passion than a bread winner for me historically. I realize that my sacrifice to my self- happiness, family, health and future are not worth any of you on your best day. So as the age old adage goes; These things happen in business sometimes. Carafino is withdrawing from the sport of Hydrofoil Kite Boarding and will not release any new products until further time. I personally take responsibility for all the consequences and shall manage them on a case by case situation to refund those customers who will not receive product either by their detrimental comments to the company expressing their regret and lack of satisfaction of purchase or stock not available. I have been in contact with many of you within the last days, those of you who are expecting foils from me as discussed will not be affected by this new development. To name a few, Hanner + crew, Charlie K, Ryan, Cagan, Albrisk, Gutton, Roddie, Robin, Matt, Igor, Stan, Toaster, Avy, Fumiya, Francois etc. Personally and as a company, I do not owe anything to the sport of Hydrofoil Kite Boarding. I owe everything to my family, my health and those who have supported me without want, every step of the way. Let the legacy of Carafino in our invention of the sport of hydro foil kite boarding be that we left the sport being late to deliver, owing some hydrofoils and providing the product or refund in due time. We have done so to pursue more rewarding ventures. I thank all the people who have believed in the sport and most of all mother nature for giving us wind. I shall no longer be posting any further comments or news feeds on this page. it shall be removed in short time. Thank you. C A R A F I N O
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 17:51:29 +0000

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