Hello Tell It Community! Ive been on a high since I returned - TopicsExpress


Hello Tell It Community! Ive been on a high since I returned from the convention I led worship for in Panama City Beach, Florida. I enjoyed Jesus and the communion of the Holy Spirit among those of the household of faith. We really had a wonderful time in The Lord. Something that Ive been chewing on is the sound of Pentecost. Thats a sound that has been lost but God is bringing it back around. Weve gotten so educated, technical and modern about mechanics of church that weve left the Spirit behind. Weve been doing things our way. We want to attract people of this day and age with presentation but our presentation has no power and therefore weve become satisfied with keeping up with the Jones of mega ministries. Were weak! The devil can sit in our services and not be intimidated at all. Why? Because we want to minister to flesh. We want to dress up Jesus to look like 2014 but we better be careful in all the things we say were doing in the Name of God. Hes not getting the glory when man is steering things. I dont care how flashy it my look. I dont care how many are in attendance. If we knew the power of God, wed sense that Hes not in our churches or services. You cant do church/ministry without the Spirit of God. If your Church isnt preaching and teaching the message of Pentecost, something is wrong. Its become a thing now to have church without altar calls, no invitation for the infilling of the Spirit and many other things that are sound and foundational. Since when do we get to pick and choose parts of the Gospel to minister? This new movement is of the devil! Ill say it again! Its of the devil! Its a movement that has moved clean away from principles of the Word of God. Its an intellectual, modernized message that appeals but Jesus didnt preach to appeal; He preach to compel. Paul said, Im not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for IT is the POWER of God according to salvation. Is that not enough? This new movement of church thinks that Jesus needs help. They think that the Word of God needs to be modernized because society has modernized. Not so! Its a trap! When we understand that we did not write the Bible, well leave it alone. Let God be true and every man be a liar! Gods Word has been tested and tried. It needs no proof. It needs no assistance. The more that we stray away from the teaching of the Word of God, the more powerless we become. Our efforts are only about advancing numbers and then what? We think were going to change the world because were a mega ministry? Last I checked, 120 people changed the world and that change included The Holy Ghost, tongues, power, miracles, devils being casted out, healing, prayer and manifestations of the Spirit. Just what are we doing? Trying to impress people? Trying to be prestigious? Trying to be appealing? Are we ashamed of the Gospel?
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 05:05:11 +0000

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