Hello beautiful souls! ~ Here is the Angel Card reading for the - TopicsExpress


Hello beautiful souls! ~ Here is the Angel Card reading for the weekend. How does this work? Just pick the card you are most drawn to and read the description for your message. Much love & Blessings, Amanda amandaclarkeartandhealing.co.uk IF YOU CHOSE 1: Card: OMEGA “Victory! Your desire is coming to fruition. Keep up the good work!” Additional Message: Congratulations! You have chosen to follow your Divine guidance, and the Universe is flowing in natural rhythm with your decision. When you listen to the messages that you heart whispers, you swim in natural synchronicity with the tide of your life’s purpose. Stay relaxed and confident, and keep moving forward with happiness and grace. If, along the way, you notice problems occurring, then it’s time to stop and center yourself. When problems occur, it simply means that you’re temporarily out of sync with the Universe’s rhythms. There is no need for analysis or shame when this occurs. Simply pray or meditate, breathe deeply, and wait until you feel strongly about your next move. Your victory is inevitable in this situation, so you needn’t worry that temporary problems will thwart your desire. Whatever happens is supposed to happen, and when it happens is the correct time. Release your doubts to Heaven, and rest assured that a happy outcome is yours. IF YOU CHOSE 2: Card: CHANTALL “New romance is imminent-either with a newcomer; or through reignited passion in your existing relationship. Be open to giving and receiving love.” Additional message: You have been hungering for more romance and passion, and your prayer is answered. I am a Romance Angel, and I am here to help you. New love is on its way to you, and you can open the door to this romance by opening your heart. The more that you welcome new love with open arms, the more romance will come your way. This also means that you must express yourself romantically toward your partner. Be candid about your feelings and intentions. Be playful (like we angels are!). And most of all, be openly loving with your partner as a way of encouraging the flow of romance to return to you. I will give you guidance along the way, and it may involve actions that seem unrelated to romantic love. Yet, you will know it is me who encourages you to join a gym, enroll in a class, or meet a new friend, for example. My trademark characteristic is that I create a very strong feeling in your heart, and then I surround it with warmth, like I’m giving you a big hug. The more that you follow my guidance, the faster the romance will be delivered to you. IF YOU CHOSE 3: Card: BETHANY “When you take excellent care of yourself’ everybody benefits. Give yourself a relaxing treat today, such as a message, sea salt bath, or pedicure”. Additional message: You are a giver, and God loves you for that. Now it is time to give to yourself. I am helping you to spiritually open your body through the process of relaxation. So you see that relaxing has its own productive side to it! The more that you allow me and the other angels to give to you, the more you will be able to give to others. Your soul has called out to Heaven, begging for some rest and relaxation. You have been working ceaselessly, and you have also been juggling many other people’s interests. Now, it is time for your reward. This is a directive from Heaven: Take care of yourself, and don’t allow yourself to be swayed from this important mission. Take steps right now to create time for relaxation. You will feel happier and have more peace of mind as a result, which will benefit everyone in your life!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 17:57:32 +0000

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