Hello everyone, Below you will find the text part of six - TopicsExpress


Hello everyone, Below you will find the text part of six sections of an 8 section booklet titled The Electron-proton Pair Theory which describes the history of the discovery of the electron-proton pair theory, called the electron-proton pair law toward the end of the booklet in Section 8, which is not in this post. This text does not contain the illustrations which would have been helpful to people looking at this post. If anyone knows how to do that, please let me know and I shall put in the illustrations so that the text describing this very important discovery that could save the planet if we work on it becomes more readable. Enjoy reading what is there at the moment and I, as the discoverer of the electron-proton pair theory, say “Good luck to us all!” Sincerely, Dilnessa Tilahun So that it may guide humanity into safety, security, and intelligent happiness. I, the discoverer of the electron-proton pair theory and author of this booklet, give right to people to photocopy this booklet, in part or in whole, and pass it onto friends as long as the purpose of that is not to make money or other corrupt or illegal intent but to draw people’s attention to the electron-proton pair theory and its implications on science, Mathematics, and the environment as discussed within. A Note on Why I am Bringing out this Booklet Independently The electron-proton pair theory was discovered in general form in August/September 2010, more than two years and a half ago. Two months or so following its discovery, I wrote letters to be delivered to the British Council(as I was educated in Britain) thinking they would deliver that letter to the royal Academy of Sciences and raise an uproar over its implications. I also prepared letters to be delivered to ICS(International Community School) from where I graduated as a high school student in 1998, which was supposed to have been given to the American embassy through whom that letter was supposed to have reached important scientists in America – I was to eventually deliver the letter-article found in Appendix II to the American embassy more than six months ago in person. Similar or the same letter was addressed to the German embassy and the Russian embassy to be delivered to the governments of those countries. I delivered these letters to the Chinese embassy with several letters addressed to them to reach scientists and policy makers in China. I continued to think about the general form of the electron-proton pair theory I had discovered for the next few months while being out of work and facing a few difficulties, spending most of my time at the library looking at physics books in which, unlike the curiousity and avidity with which I read such books when I was a high school student, I found out how limited the explanations of phenomena great men of the past such as Leibniz, Newton, and Einstein came up with were, albeit they were enough for the times. And more than a year and a half ago, I worked out or visualized the internal structure of the electron-proton pair and the proton-electron pair and saw that I could better express the estimate for the number of void-particles the electron-proton pair and the proton-electron pair were made of as a formula: 0 + 1 +. . . 3 x 10298 + 3 x 10299 + 3 x 10300 + 3 x 10299 + 3 x 10298 + . . . 1 + 0 This formulaic expression of the estimate of the number of void-particles found in the electron-proton pair or the proton-electron pair is a constant. Although dismayed by the lack of response from the places I had written to as soon as I discovered the general form of the electron-proton pair theory, I now began writing to many more embassies, scientists, and institutions which are listed in Appendix I. One finds it difficult to entirely ascribe to this lack of response not understanding the theory but perhaps fear of the reactions of people if I was allowed to teach what I have found out into the secret of nature. Rather than that, it seemed to have been better to die quietly together with the not knowing mass of the people and public servants who were “unteachable.” Humanity must save itself from the next four to five years of public plans to urbanize and industrialize their countries more. These 4 to 5 years will be, if these plans of development – construction, manufacture of all things made from metals esp. cars, and industry - are carried out, the final stage in the turning of the planet into stone, meaning we will thereafter be facing certain death, inter-planetary collisions and heat-waves on an unprecedented level within the next 30 to 50 years. The situation must be reversed overnight(this theory should be announced, its implications worked on as outlined in the “Suggestions: What is to be Done!” section within the next year or so given the more than two years and a half lost since the discovery of this theory) as we have brought this upon ourselves overnight or we have no hope. As I have written to Dr. Stephen Hawking’s public relations officer, Mr. Tim Holt, in one of the e-mails I sent him trying to get Dr. Stephen Hawking’s attention to the electron-proton pair theory and its implications: “I had no choice in sending these letters as given such a knowledge I could not keep quiet and see humanity die”, among them myself. Sincerely yours, D. Bardan Thursday 25 April 2013 Autobiographical Note I am an Ethiopian national educated at an international school at the high school level and received my BSc. from Anglia Polytechnic University(APU), now Anglia Ruskin University(ARU), in Cambridge in June 2003. I returned to Addis Ababa in August 2003 to work. I have worked in various capacities, mostly in the education area, as a science assistant and teacher in several schools, and editor of policy materials and drawing up language training programmes in an NGO. I discovered the electron-proton pair theory in August/September 2010 based on a definition I had read in an old nuclear physics book of the neutron as being made of an electron and a proton. I had visualized the void-particle more than two years and a half before that (i.e. about five years ago) while reading the same nuclear physics book and had thoughts of the void while doing some very simple mathematical calculations at the same time. The electron-proton pair theory has now become the main focus of my life, especially because of its implications on the environment and perhaps it is only I as the discoverer of this theory who sees its reality with perfect clarity and not because I desire to make a career with the theory in such a way. Life would have been much simpler and happier as a teacher and I wish it could have been introduced in that way. I print this booklet under D. Bardan which is the pseudonym of D. Tilahun. D. Bardan E-mail: dtbardanE@hotmail Introduction The Electron-proton pair theory is an explanation of what and how things are made of, from the void, to the stars, the sun, and planets. Explaining phenomena, it will guide us in how we should live by correcting our mistakes of the past so many millennia, especially the past 200 hundred years or so, if we are to survive much longer as a human race. So far, the scientific explanations of scientists and great men of the past such as the Greeks, Leibniz, Newton, and Einstein had been enough explanations for the time being. Without being entirely correct, these men explained things enough for those times without knowing how exactly things worked. The inventions humanity has created such as the steam engine, cars, airplanes, computers, etc. were all utilitarian inventions the mass production of which and their use by the mass of the people with the expansion of urbanization which is coming to its completion nothing but gesture. The electron-proton pair theory is the final and most correct explanation of phenomena that will help us correct all the mistakes we have made with all these cities and mass production of such things as cars and all things that are made of metal (such as fridges and computers) which have turned the planet into stone, so that we will not die out sooner than we ever thought as the destruction of the environment is getting into its final stage. A few more years of urban expansion will finish us off unless we reverse the situation now. The planet is turning into desert(mostly natural) and stone(man-made, hundreds and thousands of cities and towns in each country over natural environment which should have been left as forest and half of it cultivated as fruit garden and the rest farmed and eaten). All that is needed to achieve this so that we can live safely again is love, friendship, the avoidance of politics, and the adoption of a scientific mind. This booklet is divided into 7 sections. The first two sections discuss the electron-proton pair theory in detail. Section 3 discusses the origins of the universe and the solar system. It explains how our solar system arose, what its states of affairs are like normally, and what they are like today. Sections 4 and 5 discuss some of the laws derived from the electron-proton pair theory and how it changes Mathematics. Sections 6 and 7 are the most important sections in the whole booklet, perhaps even more significant than the theory itself as there would not be any value to a theory or knowledge even as magnificent as this one if it cannot be of use to us and save us from such dangers as discussed in these sections. These two sections discuss the implications of the electron-proton pair theory and outline what should be done to save ourselves from imminent annihilatory events. It is hoped that people reading this booklet will understand the theory easily and prepare themselves for the work that must be carried out as without it we are certain to die. Section1: The Electron-proton Pair Theory The electron-proton pair theory was discovered in August/September 2010. It changes the way we look at things and shows what and how things are made of. It can be considered a miracle as it is a discovery made out of need at a time when the environment we live in has become destroyed to the extent it threatens to collapse completely. People who learn and understand this theory will undoubtedly not only do their bit but also push other people in higher positions and government to correct the way things are being done so that we will not die out as a human race. The electron-proton pair theory postulates that what we used to call the electron and proton are made of void particles which are infinitely smaller than the atom of the Greeks and the particles of modern physics. The void particle is unidimensional and travels in one direction at a time except when it travels as an electron type void particle and a proton type void particle in two different directions giving us those designations and is in particles, atoms, and molecules. Illustration 1: The void particle as was visualized through thought experiment. The void particle was fitted into the electron-proton pair and the proton-electron pair based on an old definition of the neutron as being made of an electron and a proton and what we used to call the electron became an electron-proton pair and the proton became a proton-electron pair. The electron-proton pair and the proton-electron pair are perfect spheres and different sides of each other. Illustration 2: The electron-proton pair and the proton-electron pair from the position they make the neutron. The number of void particles in each the electron-proton pair and the proton-electron pair was estimated to be about 3 x 10900 based on π which was improved to a number that could be expressed only as a formula but is not probably far from that: 0 + 1 + . . . + 3 x 10298 + 3 x 10299 + 3 x 10300 + 3 x 10299 + 3 x 10298 + . . . + 1 + 0 The void particle being the most singular thing one could imagine, in twos it forms a symmetry with each of the two particles being on the left and right or up and down side of each other and in threes forms a symmetry with a particle in the middle. The symmetry formed with three particles is a symmetry with highest number of void particles that does not repeat. If one considers higher numbers of void particles they would simply be repeats of lower symmetries formed by lower numbers of void particles so that four void particles would represent a repeat of the symmetry formed by two particles, five void particles by two and three particles, six void particles by three particles and so on. And because three void particles make the highest number of void particles that make a non-repeatable symmetry, the angle around the perfect circle is defined to be 300 degrees. This number represents the number of void particles going around the first layer of the perfect circle found in the perfect sphere which is a huge number in actual reality.7 The basic unit shows electron type void particles going in and proton type void particles going out. These in the perfect circle go up one step at a time in the perfect circle shown in illustration 2 below and the other circles which, overlapping, make the perfect sphere that is the electron-proton pair and the proton-electron pair which is the other side of the same sphere. The number of void particles in the perfect(central) circle is estimated to be 3 x 10300 with the number of void particles in the overlapping circles approximated to go down by 1 power as shown in the number formula above so that these end at one point making the sphere.8 Section 2: The Internal Structure of the Electron-proton Pair and the Proton-electron Pair and the Partial Formations they are Made of In the true void which exists between stars and galaxies, the void particle exists in its most unfurled form occupying one angle(or space or position) at a time and travelling in one direction at a time. The void particle becomes one in the true void. However, it is not necessary for us to think of true voids for practical purposes as understanding our world and nearby planets and stars is enough for us. The descriptions below will be of the partial formations that void particles make and the spheres(the electron-proton pair and the proton-electron pair) these grow into in stellar environments, suns, and planets. In order of size, the particles and/or waves we have known as white light, UV-light, photons, x-rays, Gamma-rays(Gamma particles), and βeta- rays(β-particles) are partial formations. Following β-particles is the electron-proton pair itself. The partial formations that grow into the proton-electron pair, which is simply the other side of the electron-proton pair positioned below it, have never been known to science before. These are simply the anti-particles(or the other sides) of the partial formations that grow into the electron-proton pair. These may be termed OP-white light, OP-UV-light, OP-photon, OP-X-rays, OP-Gamma-particles, and OP-β-particles. When the void particle gets into angles making partial formations they begin travelling in opposite directions sliding past each other giving us the designations electron type void particle and proton type void particle. Hence, the terms electron and proton are nothing but indications of direction. Below are found the internal structures of the photon and X-rays(X-particles) and their opposite OP-photon and OP-X-rays(OP-X-particles). Illustrations 4a: The levels of the partial formations along the sphere (electron-proton pair or proton-electron pair). The above is the general structure or form of the electron-proton pair; with proton-electron pair, the partial formations are labeled from top to bottom. The void particles occupy angles or positions in the electron-proton pair and the proton-electron pair in a continuous manner as shown in illustrations 2 and 3 so that in each basic unit there are approximately (3 x 10300 – 3 x 10299) void particles and in a single strand of void particles going in or going out in a semi-circle (i.e. electron type or proton type) there are (3 x 10300 – 3 x 10299)/2 void particles or angles as shown in illustration 5. That is, the particles going in a semi-circle in a single strand in the electron-proton pair or the proton-electron pair occupy approximately (3 x 10300 - 3 x 10299 )/2 positions in a continuous manner. This is labeled as 1500, half a circle. The electron-proton pair theory shows that the angle around a circle is 3000 and not 3600 so that a semi-circle has 1500. This changes the geometry aspects of Mathematics the details of which are to be worked out by Mathematicians when the work outlined in general form in the “Suggestions: What is to be Done!” section at the end of this manifesto has been carried so that we are safe enough to pursue education and life itself. For the purpose of particle physics and studies of our environment, the solar system and nearby stars, angles and positions are the same thing. Angle is the position or space occupied by void particles and the void particle is itself the most singular space indivisible, unidimensional and unidirectional. Angle, space, and position are the same things expressed in three languages and later on, after this theory has been publicized and its implications proclaimed and worked on, we will see that angle, space, position, and time are the same things expressed in different languages at different levels of understanding all of humanity is hoped to achieve over the coming generations. In the partial formations discussed above and illustrated, the basic unit is also partial so that what is a central perfect circle in the spheres is also a partial circle in the partial formations. On the right and left side of this partial circle are superimposed partial circles that decrease in size until the partial formation ends with one point on both the right and left side. The partial circles to the right and left of the central partial circle are superimposed on the central partial circle and on each other in an overlapping manner so that the partial formations to the right are one curved strand of void particles in on the partial formation they are superimposed on until the superimposition ends with one point (or void particle) on the right side. The number of progressively decreasing partial formations superimposed on the right as well as the left side depends on the size of the partial formation. The partial formations to the left of the central partial formation are superimposed on each other one curved strand of void particles out on the partial formation they are superimposed on until the superimposition ends with one point (or void particle) to the left of the central partial circle. These partial formations grow to bigger and bigger partial formations as mentioned above and shown in illustration 4 until they end in the electron-proton pair or proton-electron pair, which is the other side of the electron-proton pair found below it. The partial formations that grow into the proton-electron pair grow in the opposite direction to the partial formations of the electron-proton pair. The partial circles of the partial formations of the proton-electron pair superimpose in the same manner as the partial formations of the electron-proton pair as shown in illustration 4b. The partial formations grow in size when the end void particles of the partial circles get into the next angle or position until the next partial formation is made. The electron-proton pair and the proton-electron pair are formed when the void particles have gotten into all the angles or positions that is possible for a void particle to take. Illustration 5a: Normal interaction between the sun and earth as must have existed in the past, before the 1800s, as this is the time when the author of this brochure-booklet takes to be when urbanization on this scale began and started to spread to put us into the situation we are in today. Illustration 5b: As the atmosphere is depleted, earth’s interaction with the sun is broken so that, not only will it get hot over the coming 30 to 50 years, but also sway more than it has ever done in the past and fall out of orbit getting into a collision situation with the moon or the other planets and other space objects. Section 3: The Solar System and the Universe The Fabric: The word fabric simply describes space we have so far have not known what it was made of and tried to explain in different ways. The void particle being the most singular thing there is and occupying angle, position, space, and time at the same time (which as mentioned section 2 are the same thing expressed in different languages), the fabric of space is made of void particles and this fabric is lighter in space than the fabric in the environment we live in as our environment is made of heavy elements whereas only lighter particles are found in space. The fabric of most of space where it is not the void or true void is made of even lighter formations of void particles where there are no stars, suns, and planets. Suns, stars, and planets are made of heavier elements and heavy masses of energy particles. The particles(i.e. the partial formations) the electron-proton pair and proton-electron pair are made of interweavings of the void particle which eventually grow into these. In space where the fabric is very light are found voids where the fabric is very unfurled and hardly any of what we call particles (or partial formations) are found. There are different types of voids depending on the extent to which the fabric is unfurled. These are found far out between stars and galaxies and one does not need to think about these or worry about them for practical purposes. The Beginning of the Universe: Instead of one big bang for the beginning of the universe, one can imagine many bangs and big bangs that form and change parts of the universe. These parts of the universe are in a continuous process of formation and change through what is called the replacement process so that parts of it is formed and exists for a certain amount of time and is eventually replaced by new parts that come from other parts of the universe while what was there before goes somewhere else. Whole groups of stars and planetary systems and galaxies replace each other in this way over hundreds of millions of years or more. Our solar system was formed in this way which is as discussed below. Stars interact with each other and suns as they are made of similar material, that is, lighter partial formations such as photons, X-rays, Gamma-rays and their opposites and electron-proton pairs, proton-electron pairs, the neutrons these make, and lighter atoms. These in turn interact with planets holding planetary systems together and galaxies. The Solar System and Our Planet in it: The solar system we exist in was most certainly formed by a replacement process and there was something different from what exists in its place in the distance past. It way have been formed through an explosive process as some of the existing theories explain. Part of the dust, if not most of it, and energy must have come from other parts of the galaxy we are found in and another galaxy nearby. It is possible that other rocks or planet like bodies crashed and dispersed(spread) rocks that must have mixed with the dust and energy that came from other parts of the galaxy and nearby galaxies. Parts of this dust, energy, and rocks, gathered in kinds into different planets and the Sun so that the sun is mostly made of high energy particles(i.e. some white light and photons, Gamma-rays, β-particles, electron-proton pairs and proton-electron pairs which do not exist on their own very long but as neutrons or in the neutron arrangement), hydrogen and helium. Terrestrial planets are made of different types of material(i.e. mostly the heavier metallic and semi-metallic elements which gathered in kinds in the different planets with our planet containing the different elements in more balanced proportions and the gaseous elements to be sustaining of life. Our planet contains a good proportion of the gaseous elements Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Carbon in its atmosphere, which are also the elements found in life forms both plants and animals. These elements exist layer by layer around the earth interacting with each other, making molecules and compounds with the more heavier elements found on the ground. It is through the atmosphere the earth interacts with the sun and is held around it as it revolves. The moon rotates around the earth by interacting with the earth through its bright side which is always interacting with the sun, always giving off a significant amount energy as is seen on a brightly moon-lit night which can be like a glowing florescent lamp lit in a large room. The moon must have been even brighter in the distant past and this together with the more balanced environment that must have existed in the distant past (between 500 million years ago and 10 million years ago) must have kept the moon in balance around the earth then so that the moon must have been rotating around the earth near the equator where the tropical rain forests are found, which have been lost through environmental destruction in recent times, i.e. the past 200 years or so especially. A natural environment that took hundreds of millions of years to evolve and provide us with a beautiful planet full of all the things we need has been destroyed in merely 200 hundred years of urban expansion since the industrial age and man began mass producing and using things without temperance. Compare 500 million years and 200 years and you can see that we deserve to die if we are not good enough and intelligent enough to correct our mistakes as quickly as possible, like the animals meteorites must have wiped out in the past time and time again. If we do not correct these mistakes right away, we might as well be merely molecular beings with no intelligence moving about by instinct and we might as well die like animals who do not know pain or pleasure but react to them instinctively because the molecules that are in them react to the things that happen around them. The moon has now lost balance and is falling more and more southwards. This can be corrected by correcting the modern day human damage caused to the environment through urbanization as quickly as possible and the rest through time as understanding of the problem settles in peoples’ minds more and more. Section 4: Laws of Matter and Motion Derived from the Electron-proton Pair Theory 1) The void-particle – Everything is made of the void-particle, which is a uni-dimensional, uni-directional particle that is indivisible. Everything, atoms, compounds, and molecules, unfurled become void-particles travelling in straight lines and this happens in true voids. The void-particle is best represented by a small dashed line, -, like the hyphen. Void particles go in straight lines in true voids, with each particle touching the particle in front of it and all of them traveling in one direction. Streams of particles traveling in true voids touch each other along the lines of their path. In other regions of space, including our part of the universe and the galaxy, they go in semi-circles and circles. The void-particle is space and time together and the terms space and time actually describe the same thing in different environments, planetary and stellar. Space-time is not a fourth dimension or a dimension on its own at all. The world we live in is made of three dimensions only, with two of these being quasi- or artificial dimensions; these two dimensions are superimpositions. Reality has only one dimension and this is most clearly revealed in true voids. The void-particle being uni-dimensional and uni-directional, occupying a single unit of space and being the space itself at the same time at that level represents the uni-dimensionality of our world. This is to say that everything is made of the void-particle. Ultimately, all quantifications are made in terms of void-particles. However, we do not need to measure the quantity of matter(mass), length, distance, volume, and such measurements in void-particles for every day purposes. When we measure mass, we measure it in a defined form so that 1g represents an unimaginably huge number of void-particles. So do we measure other measurements such length, distance, and volume. Length simply means the number of void-particles in a straight line and a small measurement such as the millimeter which is practical for everyday purposes represents a huge number of void-particles. So, our every day measurements of different quantities such as mass, length, distance, and volume, are simply lables that represent huge numbers of void-particles for the small quantities of the units we are measuring, such as 1g for mass, 1mm for length and distance, and 1mm3 for volume. 2) The electron-proton pair and the proton-electron pair – The electron-proton pair and proton-electron pair are made of void-particles and these are the smallest perfect spheres that exist in nature. The proton-electron pair is simply the other side of the electron-proton pair found below it. 3) The Law of Partial Formations – All particles or waves we have known in science so far such as photons, x-rays, Gamma-rays(Gamma-particles), Beta-rays(β-particles), etc. are partial formations of the electron-proton pair with the opposites of these being the OP- (for opposite) partial formations of the proton-electron pair. 4) Energy – So far in Physics, we have understood energy as a stream of particles or waves that usually impart heat or such form of energy to objects. Energy is actually a large stream of particles or partial formations of esp. the photon type that lands on objects and affects them or changes the constitution of those objects so that it is sensed as hot or moving or producing more such small particles/partial formations of energy. This is to say that there are no such things as waves in nature but sensations of them. What we sense as waves are large streams of particles which we cannot differentiate and therefore sense or measure as waves. Pure energy is actually void-particles travelling in straight lines once a mass of something has disintegrated or unfurled completely. This happens in the void, or true voids. The formula for pure energy Ep (to differentiate from Einstein’s E of E=mc2) is Ep = mdk, where dk is a constant which has the value (3 x 10300 – 3 x 10299)/2 and the speed of pure energy becomes about 9x9x99x(3 x 10300)/3 m/s, assuming there are 9 electron-proton pairs in 1 mm. This value for the speed of pure energy may change to a much higher number as indicated in the “Note on the Actual Number of Void-particles in the Electron-proton Pair and Proton-electron Pair”. This obviously changes relativity and the speed of light is not the fastest speed there is anymore but that of the void-particle, which is also to mean that the void-particle is the particle of pure-energy. 5) Gravity – The electron-proton pair theory shows that everything exists through interaction and that two objects interact rather than exert force on each other in the true sense. Therefore, planetary objects exist through interaction and move in their paths through interaction and not by exerting gravitational force. What Newton sensed as gravity was the heaviness of the ground for the apple and we all do. The ground beneath us is heavy or gravid but it is not by a force called gravity we are held here in the true sense but through interaction with the top crust of the earth which happens over a large area as the earth is huge and the earth interacts with the sun through its atmosphere. This changes Newton’s formula for gravitational force to one of a measure of the volume(or mass) of the material found in a rectangular prism between the two objects, the prism having the height of the bigger object(or sphere): Illustration 6: The prism between two objects the volume of which represents the gravitational force(or force of interaction) between the two objects. A new formula for the gravitational force between two objects is Fg = CDkLgxWgxhg, where C is a coeffiecient of the constituition of the environment between the two objects, Dk is 0 + 1 + . . . + 3 x 10298 + 3 x 10299 + 3 x 10300 + 3 x 10299 + 3 x10298 + . . . + 1 + 0, and Lg, Wg, and hg, are the gravitation Length, gravitational Width, and gravitational height of the prism found between the two objects. The mass or volume of particles or partial formations between the two objects makes the gravitational force(or force of interaction) between the two objects. 6) Relative motion or motion in general – As things are made of void-particles they must also in reality travel at the speed with which void-particles travel. But since that is a difficult way of looking at things for every day purposes and we see things travelling at different speeds, we can understand things/objects as travelling at the speed of the bigger object they are found in. Therefore, the law of relative motion can be stated as “objects travel at the speed of the bigger object they are found in.” And hence, we are all travelling at the speed of the earth. A Note on the Actual Number of Void-particles in the Electron-proton Pair and Proton-electron Pair in Relation to What Mass Means: Mass is a measure of the quantity of matter in an object. This definition, although used in a different sense so far in science and in everyday measurements of mass, also holds for measurements of the quantity of matter in respect of the electron-proton pair theory and how this theory changes things. Now mass will actually mean the number of void-particles found in objects but presented in a defined way so that 0 + 1 + . . . + 3 x 10298 + 3 x 10299 + 3 x 10300 + 3 x 10299 + 3 x10298 + . . . + 1 + 0, the number of void-particles in the electron-proton pair and the proton-electron pair, may represent a mass of a very small fraction of a gram, mainly the mass of the electron-proton pair or the proton-electron pair. The mass of an electron-proton pair or a proton-electron pair may be arrived at using a volume to mass relationship in re-measuring the molar masses of all of the elements known so far using the electron-proton pair theory. This will help ascertain if 0 + 1 + . . . + 3 x 10298 + 3 x 10299 + 3 x 10300 + 3 x 10299 + 3 x10298 + . . . + 1 + 0 is the actual number of void-particles found in an electron-proton pair or a proton-electron pair, with the void-particle being a unit of measurement(mass, distance or length, space, volume, area, angle, etc.) at this level. These laws derived from the electron-proton pair theory are actual facts of nature, rather than theories or explanations enough for the time being. More laws of nature are found in the discussions of how this theory changes Mathematics in the next section. Section 5: How the Electron-proton Pair Theory Changes Mathematics 300 degrees and Geometry: Above has been discussed why 300 degrees is a better lable for the number of degrees around a circle than 3600. In geometry this gives the degree angles in polygons in general as shown in illustrations 7 - 9: Illustration 7: The new angle around a circle. Illustration 8: A comparison of the old sum of angles in a triangle and the new sum of angles. Illustration 9: The new sum of angles in a rectangle. All other polygons, being made of a combination of these polygons, have angles that are multiples of the angles of these polygons. π and Trigonometry The uncertainties in π(pi) that make π an irrational number disappear in the electron-proton pair theory and π, the ratio of the circumference of a circle(the perfect circle found in the electron-proton pair and proton-electron pair) to its diameter becomes a perfect whole number 3.0. This is also a proof of the certainness of the laws found(or derived) from the electron-proton pair theory. Unlike past theories and laws which were explanations enough for the time being, the electron-proton pair theory is a factual(not a hypothetical or theoretical, although called a theory for convenience as we are used to such terms) explanation of nature and phenomena. Therefore, there are no uncertainties any more in explaining phenomena, except where lab work has not been allowed. There is a mathematical(i.e. algebraic) as well as geometric proof for π being 3.0 and if there are any uncertainties in actual measurements these happen because of the kind of environment we live in (elliptical, semi-spherical, and spherical because of the atoms, compounds, and molecules our environment and world is made of) and these are perfectly explained by the electron-proton pair theory. The mathematical and algebraic proofs look as follows: If we look at the right-angled triangle of lengths 3, 4, 5 units and make a circle around it, the hypotenuse of this triangle becomes the radius of the circle and the diameter of the circle equals 10. Illustration 10: A circle of radius 5 units enscribing a 3 by 4 by 5 triangle. π now being 3, C = 3 x 10 = 30, a whole multiple fraction of 3000 The 10 multiples of the lengths of this triangle give circumference values for the circles that enscribe them that are multiples of 10 as well. Moreover, if we are to use the 3000 around a circle, rather than 3600, we find that the degrees of this triangle are whole numbers eliminating any uncertainties. The geometric proof is that if we divide the circle enscribing this triangle into three equal parts, it can fit only three such triangles: Illustration 11: A circle of radius 5 units enscribing three triangles of hypotenuse 5 units, the maximum number of such triangles it can enscribe. π as a measure of angle(or as a lable of angle as we use it in trigonometry) will have to represent the angle around the whole of the circle and not half of it. So in trigonometry π = 3000, not 1500 as we might expect from being used to using π to represent 1800 and 2π 3600 in the trigonometry of present day Mathematics. The rest of the applications of this theory to Mathematics and science and the rest of the analysis of the above proof for the true meaning of π and for it being 3.0 will have to await some more time as the object of this booklet is to introduce the electron-proton pair theory and its environmental implications – to see if we can save ourselves first and live more correctly than we have done so far throughout our history. Section 6: Environmental Implications “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 And then Jesus said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matt. 18:3 Although this is an age changing discovery, the greatest implications of this theory are on the immediate environment we live in and these should be acted on immediately as our survival is not only at risk but that we are facing certain death if we continue to live by overproduction in industry and construction of buildings and concrete as we do now. The theory shows that the destruction of the environment has reached such a level that it threatens to become irreversible in the next 5 to 10 years. It shows that the moon was held in balance because of its interactions with the sun and the earth through the atmosphere and other space flying objects such as meteorides threaten to collide with the earth in the near future, as near as the next 30 to 50 years, unless the cities humanity has built are destroyed and spread apart with most of the space presently occupied by these cities and towns being planted with forests and gardens, fruit gardens and some of the area even farmed for food provision. The theory shows that the whole solar system is held together by the interactions of the bodies that exist in it, esp. the sun, the stars, and the gaseous planets, with earth containing complicated plant and animal life forms being a powerful planet. The moon was held in balance around the earth through its interactions with the atmosphere around the equator where the tropical rain forests are found which have been destroyed over esp. the past 30 to 50 years with the expansion of urbanization with the atmosphere being more depleted in the northern hemisphere of the earth where urbanization on this scale and cities and towns have existed much longer ago, the moon seems to be falling more and more southwards as it sets where the environmental destruction is more recent. This threatens to become irreversible over the coming 5 to 10 years if the spread of urbanization continues at present rates and is not stopped and reversed as soon as possible. The theory also shows that the earthquakes and weather imbalances such as tsunamis and heavy flood rains including monsoon rains that are reported every year in recent years (i.e. the past 30 to 50 years perhaps the past 20 to 30 years being the worst) are caused by human destruction of the environment. Also, there are less clouds today than there used to be which is manifest in pictures of the planet in Physics and Astronomy textbooks, the reason for this being the destruction of the environment, as it was the plant life that we have so mercillesly destroyed that brought the water from the seas, lakes, and rivers inland and made most of the clouds that used to be there through transpiration. The cities and towns in central Africa, Latin America (esp. Brazil and Argentina), Central to Eastern China and Southern Asia have to be destroyed and spread apart over the coming few years as the rate of urbanization or city expansion, if not stopped immediately, limits irreversibility point/time of destruction of the environment to about that time and Central to eastern USA and Europe over this period and after that over 5 to 10 years to bring this work to completion so that we can live safely again. Once people become fully aware of the situation, they can be helped and organized at the village and district levels in all countries to bring down most of the buildings in the cities and replace them with trees, fruit gardens, forests, and gardens. Industry should be curbed except for the public transport sector and other items people need to have such as their television and fridges – smaller sizes hopefully to reduce metal production, one of the two main causes for the destruction of the environment to this extent the other being unnecessarily too much concrete construction, food production factories, the textile industry, items people need every day such as shoes and clothing, etc. Living quarters should be built in place of one huge villa for one family which could house up to 10 families and clear up huge areas of space that could be planted with forests and gardens instead of another 10 villas for 10 families which could house up to 100 families over larger space interspersed with more forests and gardens. If one calculated this over the huge cities and towns that exist in each country around the world, the difference is significant and will definitely save us from dying out. Society as we know it today with all these heavy concrete cities and towns and cars needs to go away(the concrete building that are not necessary for life and the smaller cars that fill the roads, i.e. the private cars) and the basic roots saved and resized for transportation and movement purposes or we really have no hope.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 15:55:51 +0000

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