Hello everyone.... I published my thoughts , send them to few - TopicsExpress


Hello everyone.... I published my thoughts , send them to few smart people,forums etc... but....some twisted answers and reactions ...very very strange to me ...everyone is pretending to be the smartes one ,but no one want to understand and listen ....everywhere i tried they banned me calling me crackpot ...so ill try here Instead of that they looking for language errors . Just after i published it they immediatelly demanded proved observations, mathematic model, so they can check if 1=1 : D , i didnt and they straight away banned me (of course i choose speculation sections , against mainstream etc .........) Just few words about my Theory - its basicly model which will extend reality as we know now , by showing how huge differences in masses have influence on what we see in quantum Physics To understand quantum world we need to be like Copernicus ... we need first to stop world of MASS(material objects)where we live in ..then put on motion quantum particles ... Idea of ..why quantum world is completly unpredictable is because there are DIFFERENCES IN TIME ...different clocks for quantum mechanics ...other for matter and mass objects... .. generally different time for various mass....... ...Mass=Gravity=Tim3(1/t)=Speed (abilities)....... ...very small mass = very small delay in time ...huge mass = huge time slows (depends of amounts) ...lets visualize it ............and stop to near absolute zero "main watch" ....what we see ...........Frozen (in time) Scientists tryin to catch and calculate particles which are moving with "high speed" and can be (some of them -proper size ) at the other end of universe ..or basicly in many different places (as we see now in sup.posit) ..at same momentum.. FROM OUR POSITION IT LOOKS LIKE THEY "FASTER" THAN US (more than in one place at (our scale) same time) speed = diferences in mas = dif. in time flow m=1/t t- v of time flow -observer(in our scale) t -> (slow -compared to quantum) (but fast compared to neutron star etc) -smaller objects t ---> -quantum world t -----------------> light etc It explains Superposition of bozons .... ..explains Alan Guth Inflation ..same temp ...(basicly just after big bang there "was no time yet" until matter occured , so particles could travel in a matter of "second" on far far distances ..thats why we see same temperature and quite equeal mass everywhere ) (Alan Guth belives those particles were going with a speed much faster than light ...iam saying not nessesairly ..its only doferences in mass and time on that level On Einstein graph that with speed .., mass and time(it supposed to be 1 on graph) ..just near zero we should add mirror pic that also ..time is getting slower (for us ..runs from us) ...when mass is decreasing .....yes they noticed (all that changes in time ) but they didnt understand real cause and nature It so simple also that if Universe was so liquid at the begginin and got cooler ..when mass occured it basicly could go to stage of being slowed (frozen) --time is not constant also in quantum world as they treat it now...(for us and for quantum particles) ............................................ ............................................ ...Stephen Hawking....... as an Tv icon ...of 21 century brightest minds .... which so surely explains that God ..creator ..plan..doesnt exist ...that trying to explain thing like origin of universe... ...he canot understood what that plan just brought to him ....as only he started to work on that theory of everything ...he felt suddenly that his hand first at early ages 20+ start to "freeze" than he felt whole hand and step by step all body.........all life he was fighting with God ...being completly unable to see his presence ...... ...and HE gave him straight answer on his Life Mission Task ...Saint Gral of Theories....but he didnt undrestand and it wenT more more more ...and completly..... like someone showing with the finger ----->HERE ..WE ARE FROZEN ...MASS IS FROZEN and for easier understanding .. little explanation Gravity- equates = Mass cuz this straight relation and dependences between them ... that also determines (=) Time flow.(they start to be "faster than us"=can be in many positions at same momentum) .. and (=) Speed ability ... (less mass causes huge speed ..imagine we talk about particles x..bilion times smaler than visible to eye objects) All that shows they are interconnected .... ..thats why "Inflation of Universe happend" and its the reason of probability or super position (i claim that mesuring "Speed" is relative also (not time only as Einstein says) .......depends of dimmension (size) where particle is placed (mass) ... ..basicly speed is seen differently on different levels) Actually guys what i am sayin is - they already know-> the mass has influencje on time -space (black holes theory) .... so i asked about simple question ..if thats true why the same rules wasnt implanted to quantum world particles (which of course requires a little bit of imagination -what will happen if we set those them to micro levels ) Last edited by arkadius; 15-09-2013 at 07:11 PM.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 17:41:49 +0000

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