Hello everyone this is Kim… I wanted to first and foremost - TopicsExpress


Hello everyone this is Kim… I wanted to first and foremost thank each and every one of you that have walked through this journey with me. And this includes the support I have received from people I don’t even know….that is amazing in my eyes. Because I was a friend of a friend, or you were one of my Customers, of just someone who seen the need….I thank you. Man of you too have also stopped in your life’s tracks to come to walk with Darrell, Myself, Daniel, Shannon and Dakota. You have raised truly unbelievable amount of funds, you have spent and amazing amount of time with us, either out telling people our story…. or on the rocking chairs, or hanging out for dinner, crying with us, questioning with us, standing with us, surrounding our home holding hands praying and most importantly to me at the end of the day, creating such laughter at times that I shall always hear it echoing in my ears, and it will always bring a smile to my heart. Between all of you and God, it is amazing what has happened. I do apologize for not keeping everyone up to date here, but as you can see I truly haven’t been on facebook, or answering many texts. If I had just a few hours of feeling good on that day I’m out making more memories with the family or simply waking up sometimes feeling so good that we just kind of load up the car, drive to Tennessee and catch Craw-Dads in the creek. I wanted to start at the beginning of this journey and promise the next post will not be this long. As most of you know, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Pancreatic Cancer, and it was a bleak, gloomy, and very dark prognosis, end of story. I have decided to go back to the beginning and write about this year. It may not be pretty at times, and will as a matter of fact be down right grotesque at times, and probably difficult to read for some of you, but this is the life I have lived for the last four months…..wow….that’s hard to say…”four months”? !!! Is that ALL IT’S been, because it has certainly felt like four years! I was more tired than usual; job wasn’t anymore stressful than ever, just felt kind of crappy. I began to have pain in my chest but only from the width of my throat down about four inches. Now keep in mind I have given birth to two children who both weighed over 8lbs each. So pain? Seriously I can handle some pain. First week of May Doc says: Not sure sounds like indigestion here is a script Second week of May Pain is worse. Sick at stomach can’t eat (Should have been Docs CLUE # 1 when I said I couldn’t eat…seriously?) Don’t really remember at this point but I think he put me on some bland diet and another script of course. Third week of May Sitting on porch with my good friend, she looks at me and says, GIRL! Your eyes are yellow. She then gives me an eye exam better than any I have paid $200 for at any point of my life. I knew I didn’t look, well, but just thought it was because I had been so sick. So this little tad bit of information freaked me out….sooooo Back to Doc, at this point feeling like a bit of a hypochondriac because keep in mind I have no health insurance and ONLY go to the doctor if I am pretty sure that I’m about to lose a limb or something else. Pain is now unbearable and there are other issues that I will not discuss unless you are having dinner at my house. Because every year for the past 33 years that our first child was able to talk, our dinner meal is not complete without some type of poop discussion. Human, animal or otherwise. And keep in mind I’m being really polite right there with that little descriptive of poop. And at this point have lost 15 pounds in three weeks. Again, DOC this should have been your second clue, because exactly how long have you wanted me to lose one pound let alone 15 in THREE WEEKS. Doc says: If you are not better by next week, come back and we will run some tests in the office. Last week of May I have been fighting all of the above; in addition to now I have a UTI so bad I’m not sure Urine has EVER looked that color. Oh yeah, let’s add that my skin is now a pretty hi-liter yellow. Hypo: (that is me) called Doc and made appointment The nurse did her song and dance, looked at my samples and said, oh, I’m pretty sure he is going to want to run some blood tests to. So I give it all, and am sitting in hallway waiting to see the Doc, with whom I feel like we are bosoms buddies, since I have seen your mug every week for four weeks, oh and spent a small fortune here to boot! Anyway, I’m sitting in the hallway, quite sure I’m dying, and Doc comes out and sees me and says KIM! You look like you have hepatitis. Sorry, I’m not up on the medical stuff I probably should be, but the first thing that comes out of my sick little mouth, is Doc, I AM NOT an IV drug user, how did I get hepatitis? He snorts his eight year educated snort, which I will allow at this point, and says there is more ways than THAT to get hepatitis. I’m thinking to myself of course, in my evil little mind, O.K. let’s move along. Why am I frigging Hi-Liter yellow? Doc says: Lets schedule you an ultra sound today in my office. Which we did, long story short we found a gallbladder full of stones, (which is another mystery in and of it’s self to me) The Ultra sound girl worked and worked sent me away back to Doc. Found out later that this amazing Ultra Sound Girl, was probably the first one to notice the tumor and probably saved my life. I have surgeons review her reports, and they would give her all the glory! Doc Says: We found gal stones, I don’t do surgery, and so I am sending you to a friend of mine who handles this type of surgery. My eyes well up with tears, as yes, unbelievably, I am one of the millions who is uninsured. I explain this again to Doc, even though I feel as though we are married and he should KNOW this, since we had just spent the last four weeks together. Christian Doc Says: He accepts uninsured patients, and we are friends, I have called him already, he said for you to go to his office right now. New Doc is a great guy, Christian, kind, patient, just incredible. Looked at the papers from my doc, pokes and prods around, leaves the room and comes back and boldly states, go to Spartanburg Regional Hospital right now, do not go home, do not pass go. I said O.K….still in shock, I asked, do I go through admitting, because not sure if any of you have been listening to me but I do not have health insurance. New Doc Says: I have handled that you are to go straight to your room, fifth floor, room 524. Go directly to the room, they are expecting you, get in a gown and get in bed. So sure enough, Darrell and I go bee bopping up the room and just like sweet new Doc said. The nurses knew my name and helped me settle in. And then it began…
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 13:58:08 +0000

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