Hello everyone, we apologize for not updating sooner but Miguelito - TopicsExpress


Hello everyone, we apologize for not updating sooner but Miguelito has kept us really busy :) I did not mention that he weighed 7 lbs 15 oz and measured 21 inches, he is a big boy! We have fallen head over heels for him :) He is currently doing great. He was extubated on saturday afternoon and by sunday evening was even off of his oxygen as he did not need it! The doctors have allowed him to nurse and he has been nursing like a pro :) He did not require the balloon catheterization since he has been doing so well. He is connected to lots of tubes and wires as they keep constant watch on his heart, blood pressure, oxygen level, temperature, etc. and for his medications and iv fluids as well. This has been a little intimidating for us but Miguel and I have adapted and are by his side every chance we get. We met with what felt like 50 different people today and have been informed that his surgery is scheduled for tomorrow at 7:30am. He will be taken by the anesthesia team at 6:30am and will get an MRI before going for surgery. They should be done around 12 pm. We have been trying to prepare for this for the last 20 weeks and yet it is still overwhelming. But we know he needs this surgery to survive and that we are at the best place for his care. Please continue to keep Miguelito, the surgeons, and our families in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you. Hola a todos, nos discupamos por no mantenerlos informados pero Miguelito nos a mantenido bastante ocupados :) No habia mencionado que peso 7 lbs 15 oz y midio 21 pulgadas, es un niño bastante grande! Nos hemos enamorado completamente de el :) El ahorrita esta bastante bien. Le removieron el tubo de respiracion el mismo sabado y para el domingo en la noche tambien le descontinuaron el oxigeno que le estaban dando ya que no lo necesitaba! Los doctores han permitido que amamante y lo hace como todo un profesional :) El no necesito la cateterization ya que ha estado muy bien. Esta conectado a muchas maquinas, tubos y alambres ya que constantemente estan monitoreando su corazon, presion, nivel de oxigeno, temperatura, etc. y para su suero y medicamentos. Esto ha sido un poco intimidante para nosotros pero Miguel y yo nos hemos adaptado y estamos con el en todo momento posible. Hoy nos visitaron infinidad de doctores y personal y nos han informado que la cirugia de Miguelito esta programada para mañana a las 7:30am. Se lo llevaran los de anesthesia como a las 6:30am y le haran un MRI antes de la cirugia. Acabaran como eso de las 12pm. Hemos estado trantando de prepararnos para esto las ultimas 20 semanas y de todas maneras se siente como que es demasiado. Pero sabemos que necesita su cirugia para sobrevivir y que esta en el mejor lugar posible para su cuidado. Por favor sigan manteniendo a Miguelito , los ciruganos, y a nuestras familias en sus pensamientos y oraciones. Gracias.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 01:10:25 +0000

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