Hello, facebook friends. :-) I have realised - TopicsExpress


Hello, facebook friends. :-) I have realised something... Whatever business you choose to be involved in will always have a certain amount of risk. Eggs get bad, or break irretrievably. Milk gets sour. Tomatoes get rotten. Green vegetables wilt in seconds or minutes or hours. Meat gets spoilt when exposed for a long time. Fruits get rotten after just a few days under the sun. Chickens easily get sick and you could lose dozens in just one day. Tiles and ceramics easily get broken. Policemen get killed. Doctors get infected with diseases sometimes. Bricklayers fall from heights and die. Every business or career,it seems, has its unique challenges. But regardless of these challenges, there are still people who deal in these items or lines of career and make a living. Not just a living sometimes...but a life. There are millionaire onion sellers. There are world renowned doctors. There are well-to-do farmers. Yes, sometimes people lose money in these businesses...but many others make gains. Just because green leaves die within seconds does not deter people from investing in the business of selling vegetables -and many times making it big. For every career or line of business you consider entering into, there is always someone there who has made it big. So... Dont give yourselves reasons why you cannot go into that business or invest in that career. There will always be people that did not make it... But there will always be people that did. So dont give thyself the excuse of Its too difficult or there are too many failures in this endeavor...so I really shouldnt go ahead with it. Proverbs 22:13 puts it like this: The sluggard says, There is a lion outside! I shall be killed in the streets! The lazy man will always find an excuse for not doing what he is supposed to. And yes, for almost any investment you want to do....for any project you want to accomplish...there will be the proverbial lion in the streets that can be used as an excuse. Too many failures in the business. I dont know how to do it. Its too difficult. It will take too long. But like a pastor of mine said once, Excuses are the blocks that people use to build their house of failure. How true. Excuses will take you nowhere. Or rather, excuses will take you down the path of failure. Nobody is interested in excuses; people are more interested in results, in success. So, what should you do? I am not by any means implying that we should rush into any business. Far from it. However, let it not be fear of failure that stops you from pursuing your dreams. Many great people failed many times in business or career endeavours before becoming successes. Rather, prayerfully consider all your options and then seek for and receive Gods directions and approval for any business endeavor you are considering entering into. Also receive counsel from wise people and those in the know. When we are sure in our spirit that it is the right decision to make ...then roll up your sleeves and get to work! Like the Chinese proverb says, The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago. The next best time is now. Dont keep waiting for tomorrow...when the circumstances are perfect... to start. Ecclesiastes 11:4 says, He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap. May God help us arise and do that which we need to do. Love you! Do have a blessed week.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 15:24:19 +0000

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