Hello friend, the latter part of last year I started a series the - TopicsExpress


Hello friend, the latter part of last year I started a series the Holy Spirit laid on my heart: NUGGETS OF PURPOSE. So far I have tried to draw your attention to at least 4 of these nuggets; (please check my previous posts). This year as God gives us the grace we will surely learn more. My prayer is that as you read them you will not only become purpose conscious but be equipped to walk in that divine purpose you were predestined to. Remember, the only reason you are still here on earth is because of your PURPOSE. Welcome aboard. NUGGET OF PURPOSE 5: MAKE TIME TO GROW: And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man. Luke 2:52 I feel led to begin this year’s nuggets of purpose with the subject of growth. Many of us want to have a sudden flight into operating in our purpose but it is very important we make time to grow into what God has ordained for us to become. Make time to grow? Yes, you must make time to grow. I have learned over the years that growth is something you make time for. It requires a conscious effort, it is not automatic. In all dimensions whether spiritual, intellectual or physical growth requires deliberate effort. Let’s take an example. In the physical you don’t grow by just existing and doing nothing. At least the basic thing to do to grow is to eat. In other words, one cannot expect to grow physically if one does not make time to eat well and healthy. Dieticians say that what you eat tells and shows on your body. How are you feeding yourself to grow into God’s purpose? God does not use babies. He wants you to grow in the image of his dear son so he can use you effectively. Unfortunately there are many immature sons and daughters of God bowing to pressure to mount the stage. Premature exposure is destructive and it is not God’s will to bring you to light before you are due. Jesus started his earthly ministry at age thirty. What was he doing all the years prior to that? Luke 2:52 has the answer. In the next editions we will learn more about how Jesus made time to grow in order to stay in tune with God’s purpose but in the meantime I want you to reflect on the following scripture concerning John the Baptist. And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his shewing unto Israel. Luke 1:80 Purpose driven people make time to grow. Minister Nick
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 06:19:06 +0000

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