Hello my Facebook friends. I am tired of being overweight. Some - TopicsExpress


Hello my Facebook friends. I am tired of being overweight. Some people would call me fat, but whatever the label, it’s still the same thing. I have decided to share with all of you my progress as I begin my weight loss program (again). I’ve done this before and I lost 76 pounds in just 5 months. I didn’t reach my weight goal before I went back to my overindulgent habits and put the weight back on. The reasons why I did so aren’t what I want to focus on here. I mean to let everyone interested in their own health know what I did to get steady, gradual weight loss. It wasn’t difficult to do. The hardest part is making up your mind to commit to your own health and well being, and assuring yourself you have the discipline to follow through. As I go along with this program I will be posting my numbers without any embellishment whatsoever, meaning I will be completely honest with the results, even if I lose ground and regain some weight. What I found out the first time is it is okay to have a moment of weakness and wolf down a glazed doughnut every so often, as long as it doesn’t become habitual. The main thing to remember is you didn’t gain your extra pounds all at once and the same will be true when you are losing it. I will also be adding some insights that may be helpful or inspiring for any of you that wish to join me in the attempt. Be sure to invite others to join you if they want, be they family members or online buddies. Don’t be pushy about it. Sometimes you may have to lead by example, so it may take them seeing you making your own progress to get them motivated. Be patient. The main reason I’ve decided to post my progress is two-fold… Number 1: I want to be inspiring to anyone else who wishes to do the same for themselves, because it is hard to do on your own in many cases. Shared triumphs, and even moments of weakness, can be just the thing to spur a dieter to find greater inner strength. The second purpose is the most important to me personally. I have to succeed once I have opened my big trap for fear of failure in public. That’s the motivator that will work best for me. I urge everyone to find his or her own best “brass ring.” Quickly, I will outline the method I used and also make suggestions to anyone who wants to do the same. Count your calories and carbs. It’s just that simple. I researched a medical dietician’s recommendations for diabetics, and it comes down to doing just that. Controlling the amount of calories that pass your lips is the only and best way to be the slender, healthy person you always dreamed of being. Many of you will say, Oh, I’ve done that before and it didn’t work. If you feel that way I’m here to tell you you didn’t adhere to the plan. Follow the guidelines explicitly and you WILL have positive results. I know that for a fact, because I did it, and I’m going to do it again. There are two things I am going to recommend to everyone interested in success. 1) Get the book “Calorie, Fat & Carbohydrate Counter” by the Calorie King, Allan Borushek. It details all the critical information you need to start making the good choices for your body and health. Most of the info is available online at CalorieKing, but it is a good idea to have the book with you at all times in case you go out to dine with family or friends. Yes, it even has info on name brand fast foods so you will always be prepared. 2) Go online and start a FREE account on sparkpeople to make use of their Food & Fitness Trackers feature. It is a simple way to view your progress on a timeline using your cumulative figures. Today I weigh 340 pounds. I want to get back to 200 which is where I felt my best and I believe I looked my best. That’s 140 pounds of unwanted fat I am committing to shed. I haven’t measured my waist yet, but I wear something along the lines of a 46” to 48” waist in pants. Starting tomorrow I will begin to post my numbers in a regular format so you may be made aware of my progress, hopefully be inspired to do the same and offer me some encouragement if you wish. I will also give more insight into how I made the dietary decisions that worked for me. Wish me luck (but I don’t need luck, I need my determination)!
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 19:51:36 +0000

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