Hello my Savvys. Now this may seem like a strange post but I - TopicsExpress


Hello my Savvys. Now this may seem like a strange post but I highly believe in timing of events. Say you are having trouble meeting anyone viable there could very well be a reason why. Its not time! And the great thing about that is ITS NOT YOUR FAULT! Whether male or female. So if you are wondering what the next few years hold for you regarding love and money - this is a post from a Vedic Astrologer I highly recommend: Carol Allen - Enjoy! SATURN MOVES INTO SCORPIO According to the calculations of Vedic astrology (which, as I said, differ from those of Western astrology by almost an entire sign) the planet Saturn is in the process of switching signs for the first time in three years RIGHT NOW, moving from the sign of Libra into the sign of Scorpio where it will (mostly) remain until October of 2017. Saturn has been in the sign of Libra since November of 2011. Its a BIG DEAL when Saturn switches signs, and it creates LOTS of changes both globally and individually. The last few days and weeks that hes in a sign can be the MOST difficult, bringing the most intense energy of the whole transit... So if youve been feeling especially up against it or have loved ones freaking out, thats likely why. (My phones been ringing off the hook with clients more distressed/depressed than usual... but this WILL pass!) Saturn is our greatest teacher. The energy of Saturn forces us to fix or correct whatever isnt working in our lives. Many people fear Saturn because the things we need to fix or correct tend to get MUCH WORSE before were willing to do anything about them. This is how Saturn gets us to go along and do the hard work he wants us to do... Saturn - and where he is in the sky in relation to your chart - has a HUGE impact on your love life. In fact, in all my years as an astrologer, most people who have come through my door have done so because of Saturn and how alone and frustrated theyve been since the ringed one has been hanging around them. Saturn takes about 30 years to complete a full cycle through all of the 12 zodiac signs, remaining for roughly 2 1/2 years in each sign. Which is a longggggggg time. Some positions of Saturn are so heavy, in fact, that I call them The Forty Years In The Desert Cycle because the results of this time can feel like theyll never end. If youre experiencing Saturn in one of these positions, these are the years you feel lost and confused, like youre roaming around, unsure of your purpose, relationships, finances, and health... or clear of what you want but taking a lot more time and energy than you ever imagined to get it. It can get very discouraging and upsetting when this is going on - youll think its YOU and that something is WRONG WITH YOU. But its not - and this does pass, and if you do all you can to take responsibility for your life and face your demons, this proves to be the time you look back on as when you grew and healed the most, setting up THE REST of your life to be great! So below Ill tell you what you can expect in the next three years while this Saturn in Libra frequency is upon us... Now - please keep in mind - Im only highlighting what ONE planet is doing. Throughout the next three years youll have all kinds of OTHER influences for good and not as good going on as well. This is just ONE PIECE of the complicated astrological puzzle of your life. So dont get too upset or too excited by what Im about to share - but DO pay attention, because you will find it to be true. Before you read what the different results of Saturn for the different signs will be, please calculate your chart using Vedic calculations. Go to my chart creator site and input your birth information by going here. (If youre still completely confused as to why your sign or chart are different in Vedic astrology than in Western, you can read all about the zodiac of Vedic astrology and why its different in Wikipedia by looking up Sidereal zodiac.) For the predictions below, you can read them from your Sun sign, Moon sign AND rising sign (theyll all have some impact, even if the results seem to contradict), but please emphasize the information as it relates to your Moon sign - which youll find in the Planetary Details box below your chart. If you dont know your accurate birth time then beware - the Moon sign changes every two and half days, so it may change the day you were born, and without a correct birth time you may have the wrong Moon sign. So please dont guess... The same goes for your rising sign - it changes every 90 minutes to two hours, so if youre unsure of your birth time, disregard your rising sign entirely and just read the results for your Sun sign... Ready to hear about one of the most important energies affecting your life - and love life - for the next three years? Here goes... * * * * * HOW SATURN WILL AFFECT EACH OF THE SIGNS ARIES: Saturn is in your 8th house now. You may be feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities and obligations. Theres a feeling of restriction and fatigue. Your tendency now is to overdo - make sure to plan enough down time and fun, and to take care of your health. The personal life may be a bit of a drag, and support from partners may be less than you want or downright disappointing (especially financially). This is a very important time to learn to ask for help and to be sure youre not in codependent relationships that are all about you giving, giving, giving but not getting enough back. TAURUS: Saturn will be in your seventh house now, the house of partnership, and so both personal and professional partnerships will go through challenges and changes and the possibility of separations due to obligations or family dramas. Its very important that you heal or address any problems that before you could avoid and sweep under the rug. Youre longing for more support and no longer want to just have fun in your love life - you want the whole enchilada or nothing, so youll likely either have a big break up or a major commitment like marriage in this period. Be careful in any real-estate transactions as there may be financial losses through property. Your career and success will improve, and your talents increase. GEMINI: Saturn is in your sixth house now, making feel almost like a super hero - powerful and able to achieve your goals no matter what adversity comes your way. Youre magically able to overcome any and all health problems, addictions, financial debts, and prevail in any lawsuits. This is a good time for relationships, if supported by other astrological indicators. Classical Vedic astrology texts say, The native will overcome both their enemies and diseases, and will kiss the mouth of their beloved having charming close lips. Yummy... CANCER: Saturn is in your fifth house now, the house of spiritual study, romance, children, and speculation and gambling. For these reasons, you may be struggling with the topic of children. If you have children there may be more emotional problems or expenses because of them now. If you dont, you may find you want them more than before but unable to have them now (because you dont have a partner, or for health reaons). There can be less time for romance, and the tendency to argue more in your relationships. Be very careful with investments and be sure to NOT gamble at all now. This is a good time to be studying astrology or other spiritual topics. LEO: Saturn is in your 4th house which governs your home life, your relationship with your parents, your living situation, and your property and vehicles. Saturn will disturb these aspects of your life. You may experience family troubles and be especially concerned about your mother. You may take on more responsibilities at work. Do all you can to avoid legal battles now. Get support if youre in a relationship, and watch out for unavailable men or difficult men if youre single and looking. This is good time to focus on you and your goals for the future. Get enough exercise now - more for the emotional benefits than the physical. VIRGO: Congratulations - Saturn has been weighing heavily on you for the last seven-and-a-half years... and youve survived! You should feel better and lighter than you have in years. Your motivation is high, and you become more aggressive and proactive around goals, and it pays off - big time. Success comes more easily now so go for it! This is a good time for relationships. You should be going out and making a conscious effort to go where the men are if youre single because you just might find the one. If youre in a relationship, things will feel easier and more connected between you, which is great because for the last few years youve been pretty overwhelmed and distracted, and your personal life paid the price. LIBRA: Saturn is in the second sign from here, and this encourages you to be as responsible and accountable around your diet, family, and finances as possible, and to make these areas of your life your focus. Improvements you make now will really pay off, so do the work and heal any bad habits - youll be glad you did. Agreements and business deals may take longer than you expect, and have more hassles and delays than you want, but if set up properly will yield great results later. Your personal life is still taking a backseat to work and financial concerns, or may hardly be part of your life at all. Dont worry - this will pass. Watch out for unavailable or impossible men who make you work too hard for love. SCORPIO: Saturn is in your sign now, and this is intense... If its in your Sun or Rising sign, you may have amazing opportunities in your career and love life (even marriage or that dream job) but if its in your Moon sign, everything can feel like too much work now, as Saturn encourages us to be alone and marry ourselves. No matter which Saturn is impacting (Sun, Moon, Rising) you can feel like everything is all about duties, burdens, and work, work, work. Be conservative financially and be sure to take care of your health. If single, try to enjoy dating for what it is - the chance to meet new people, have new experiences, and learn about yourself, but dont look for the one now (unless its someone youre already with, or from your past). If youre already partnered, you may feel too separate from your mate - make sure to connect enough, and try to schedule alone time, date nights, and plenty of rest and relaxation with your sweetie. Real-estate and stocks can grow in returns for the next three years, as long as youre conservative and get expert advice. SAGITTARIUS: Saturn is in the 12th sign from here, and when Saturn is in the 12th house from your Moon, Sun, or rising sign has to do with feeling alone, unappreciated, rejected, or passed over. This is an excellent time to deepen your spiritual practices (especially meditation), however, and improve your self care. Its typical to feel the most pressure to let go of any beliefs or ways of being that no longer serve you now. Your forever relationship isnt likely to show up now, unless its with someone you already know, and existing relationships can go through more difficulties or separations - be sure to pay enough attention to each other and to ask for the support you need. You might be feeling rejected, when really its you whos shutting down and withdrawing. Be careful of excessive expenses and getting into debt. Go on a spiritual pilgrimage, foreign adventure, or meditation retreat. CAPRICORN: Youre feeling better than you have in a very long time - the seeds youve sown in all areas of your life are starting to bear fruit at last! This is a good time to make significantly more money, improve your health and be free of all health problems, attain property, and overcome all legal battles or conflicts with others, and enjoy a full personal and love life in a more fulfilling way than you thought possible. So if single make more effort to mingle and mix and if in a relationship, enjoy this happy time. AQUARIUS: Youre reevaluating your career and questioning your purpose. Theres starting to be more progress and movement with your plans than the last few years, and your income should improve. So its okay to take more risks and be more aggressive on the work front. Your personal life, however, may not be as much of your focus as your career now, and may not be as fulfilling as youd like. Be patient - the work youre doing and personal growth youre investing in now will enrich your whole life for years to come. PISCES: Saturn is transiting over your 9th house now - youre becoming more spiritual, religious, or philosophical, and wanting to travel. Go to foreign cultures if you can, and on spiritual journeys. This is a good time for higher education so go get that degree youve been dreaming of. Harmony in your personal and family life should be the norm, though father figures may be more in need of support and attention. You have less support from bosses and mentors now, so try to assert your own authority and trust yourself and all theyve taught you.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 22:12:53 +0000

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