Hello there! Wishing you a beautiful Sunday! Today I’d - TopicsExpress


Hello there! Wishing you a beautiful Sunday! Today I’d like to share a bit on Gut and Psychology Syndrome or also known as GAPS. Firstly, I could not emphasis more on the importance of maintaining a healthy GUT. Why?? Well, when the digestive system is unwell, instead of being a source of nourishment it becomes a major source of toxicity in the body; nothing in the body can function well. Any organ, any system, any cell can show symptoms of distress—usually most of them respond with some symptoms. Most of the time people with GAPS will find most difficulties to heal using mainstream medicine. Therefore, the GAPS Nutritional Protocol is designed to treat all of those conditions starting from the roots. Our digestive system holds the roots of our health. If those roots are not healthy, then the rest of the body cannot be healthy. So the treatment of any chronic disease has to start from the gut. The human gut is a long tube; what you fill that tube with has a direct effect on its well-being. Food— the person’s daily diet— is the number one treatment for any chronic disease, and the GAPS Diet is the most important part of the GAPS Nutritional Protocol. As a matter of fact I have embarked on GAPS Nutritional Protocol. Soon, you will see me posting recipes following the Protocol. During the early stages, the variety is not much and it is pretty limited to what I can eat. Nevertheless I am determine to heal my gut. So bear with me and join me on this journey of healthy gut protocol after all everybody needs a healthy GUT. Read on to know more about GAPS below. You and/or your loved ones may have the symptoms of unhealthy gut. Who knows? Knowledge is power, so seek it and heal yourself and your loved ones. Have a great healthy life! Lots of love, Aina Some info on GAPS: Gut and Psychology Syndrome , or GAPS, includes learning disabilities and mental disorders such as ADHD/ ADD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism, addictions, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, epilepsy, eating disorders, and many other conditions, which stem from abnormal function of the brain. Many of these conditions have no established diagnostic labels and present themselves as a mixture of various so-called mental symptoms: mood alterations, memory and cognitive problems, behavioral and social problems, panic attacks, anxiety, involuntary movements, various tics and fits, sensory problems, sleep problems, and so on. Gut and Physiology Syndrome , also known as GAPS, includes various chronic physical conditions that stem from an unhealthy gut, such as autoimmune conditions (celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes type one, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, osteoarthritis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, autoimmune skin problems, chronic cystitis, nephropathy, neuropathy , et cetera), asthma, eczema, allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, myalgic encephalomyelitis, multiple chemical sensitivity, arthritis, PMS and other menstrual problems, endocrine disorders (thyroid, adrenal, and other), and digestive disorders (irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis , colitis, and so forth). Many conditions do not fit into any diagnostic box and can present as a mixture of symptoms: digestive problems, fatigue, muscular weakness, cramps and abnormal muscle tone, pain and ache in joints and muscles, skin problems, neurological and hormonal abnormalities. In almost every person the symptoms from both GAP Syndromes overlap: People with mental problems suffer physical symptoms (painful joints and muscles, fatigue, skin problems, asthma, hormonal problems, autoimmunity), while people with physical problems have mental symptoms (such as depression, “brain fog,” inability to concentrate, mood swings, sleep abnormalities, memory problems, anxiety, tremors, tics, fits, and more).
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 06:43:03 +0000

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