Hello you wonderful group of writers. We are starting to put - TopicsExpress


Hello you wonderful group of writers. We are starting to put together our freshers issue and need your help! Why so early? We have a very tight print deadline and so want to get this done quickly! We are also re-designing the newspaper. Whilst the 50th looked wonderful, we are now printing on A4 (KeeleSU Print Shop restrictions) and will include different sections (for example: Politics and Arts & Culture) which did not feature within the previous design. Where do you come in? There will be at least 4 pages for you all to contribute and get a byline. Sounds great hey? There are no titles as such, but if you go off the theme: freshers / experiences - you’re on the correct lines! Here are some questions to prompt you: - Did you have a unique experience during freshers? - Did you find it difficult/easy to fit in? Why do you think this was? - Would you have done something differently? - If you could go back, what would you tell yourself? - Any Top 10s / ‘Top 10 things to take on a night out’ / ‘Top 10 things to take to your lecture’ / ‘Your fresher playlist’ But, it doesn’t stop here. There will also be a summer section for you to share your experiences! So, if you did something wild or outrageous this summer - or simply sat indoors and found your muse - tell us! Content deadlines is the 17th of August, so you have plenty of time! All content to be submitted to print@concourseonline / editor@concourseonline (Note: all content that does not make print will be uploaded online during freshers week) Good luck and we look forward to reading your stories! Concourse Editorial Team
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 11:08:53 +0000

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