Help me pray for my family, friends and you my brothers and - TopicsExpress


Help me pray for my family, friends and you my brothers and sisters in Christ. “Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name” (Jn. 15:16b). Send, Lord the courage, the boldness, and the power of Your Spirit so that signs, wonders, cures, and miracles may happen in my uncle’s Willie, Victor, Richard, my family, friends, my brothers and sisters. That we believe that Jesus Christ will heal and save us. God the Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask You, with all the faith that we have that those physical and spiritual cures happen among us. We ask that marriages be saved that families be reunited, that hearts be healed, that hate be washed away by the Blood of Jesus, that prisoners be freed from their sins and that hearts be converted to the Word of God. Heal us Lord Jesus! Heaven Father we confidently believe that nothing is impossible for you when we ask in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Jesus anoints us with your divine healing blood to flow and surround us always. Heavenly Father extend your hand, perform in our midst wondrous signs, cures and miracles by the power of Jesus name cure my uncles, my family, my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. God touch them now that they be cured to give you praise. We adore and bless you! We thank you, Lord because you are touching my uncles, my family, my brothers and sisters and you are sending these divine cure among us. We believe in Your power and we give you thanks, we adore and bless you for the marvelous things you are doing for us. We thank you, Father because much is happening among us in the name of Jesus and before your throne of glory, at this moment we want you to intercede for the brothers and sisters who pray with us and for all their needs. Surround them with Your Love and fill them with Your healing power! Heal Father the sick, free the captive, give life to the dying, breathe faith into the doubting heart, and concede salvation and the gift of the Holy Spirit. We adore you and give you Thanks and praise. In the name of Jesus we kneel in adoration proclaiming that Jesus Christ is our Lord and may he always be praised and blessed! And pray for us, Holy Mother of Jesus our savior that we may Love your son unconditional with all our heart, mind and soul! By the Holy name of Jesus Our Savior and Lord. Amen and amen Thank you for joining me in prayer, God bless you always! with love, Sylvia
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 06:12:25 +0000

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