Help us spread the word about preventable injuries Safe Kids June - TopicsExpress


Help us spread the word about preventable injuries Safe Kids June 2013 Newsletter Dear Judith, I have a confession to make: This month, on the same summer day, in two different states, both my daughter Jenny and I went to the Emergency Room for a preventable injury. As the leader of a safety organization, the irony of this situation is not lost on me. But first, let me explain. I was recently in Avalon, New Jersey, for a weekend at the beach. It was a beautiful day, so I decided to go for a bike ride. I put on my helmet, making sure it fit properly, and set off along the road. Everything was going great, but unfortunately for me, I made a fateful mistake to wear flip flops instead of sneakers. Several hours and one broken toe later, I was at the hospital getting x-rayed and fitted for a medical boot. Meanwhile, back home in Washington, D.C., Jenny was preparing a lovely lunch. She decided to make egg salad and was busy pulling the ingredients together. While she was reaching for a mixing bowl, Jenny’s hand slipped and the bowl fell through her fingers. She too ended up in the hospital that day, with four stitches on her right hand. For me, these personal stories and lessons – ones that I know we all experience from time to time – are the key drivers behind the work we do to reduce preventable injuries. I’m living proof of that. I should have worn my sneakers or a closed shoe. If you’re reading this, then it’s a safe bet that, like me, you care about kids. Whether you have a child, know a child or were a child at one time, the kids in our lives are what bring us together in our efforts to keep them safe. And that’s the idea behind our new video, Imagine a World Where Every Kid is a Safe Kid. By working together, we want to make sure that all kids have a chance to grow up healthy and safe, no matter where they live. That’s why I love this video so much. It’s a perfect example of how, when given the chance, kids can reach their potential and become whatever they dream to be. Help us spread the word about preventable injuries and share this with your family and friends. If you and everyone reading this could share this video with 10 people, we will reach more than 1 million individuals with lifesaving information. Will you help us save more lives? Together, I know we can.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 11:35:58 +0000

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