Helping Hand, An Example Horoscope Some birth carts are harder to - TopicsExpress


Helping Hand, An Example Horoscope Some birth carts are harder to understand, the same as some people. In fact, I’ve found that when I’m having real difficulty comprehending the theme or sense of what a person is like and what they want from life, they’re having that same problem. And when I shrug my shoulders and tell them I’m having a problem with their chart, they go, “Yeah! That’s right. It’s really hard to pin it down what’s going on with me.” And TOGETHER we then go more deeply into the horoscope, and it works out. But sometimes things are so obvious it’s as though the chart reached out and slapped me: “Over here, Dummy!” A young lady who was basically alone and confused was on the net asking if anyone could help her. Dear lord! It was almost like a voice in the cold, night wind, a wandering, forlorn spirit. I decided to give it a try and, among other things, she said this: “Why do I have such a hard time figuring out what I want to do? I don’t understand it.” Of course, the obvious and largely worthless answer is “My dear, you don’t know yourself well enough.” Yeah. Whoop-de-do. That’s like lovingly looking a person in the eyes, in all sincerity, and with great compassion declaring, “My child, you must grow and evolve.” I don’t do that stuff. I don’t know what the individual must do and, besides, I’m not that inspiring. My answer is usually a truthful “I don’t know; let’s take a look, shall we?” The first step in every chart is to always check the time against the position of the sun to make sure the chart is not upside down. She gave me an early evening time and the sun was in the 6th house. Check. The next step (from the list of steps in my book, incidentally) is determining the temperamental type. In this chart, see that the moon is off by itself. This is called a bucket type of horoscope. The moon off by itself is like the handle of the bucket. It’s as though the moon is looking at the other nine planets and they’re looking back. So, the moon in this case is in high focus; very powerful. In going through some other steps, it was quickly found that the moon was also the only planet above the horizon, and also in the sign Cancer, which it rules. Wow. I should have asked her if she talks to the moon. But I didn’t. I try to resist being a smartass sometimes and, besides, she was in no mood for such silliness. The feelings (moon) are in the sign of the archetype of the Mother (Cancer) and in the 11th house of friends, associates, comrades, and humanitarian endeavors. This is a person who loves and cares for her friends and is a member of some society, alliance, or perpetual crusade, doing her part. And she might be the one who takes care of the puking drunk at the party and who feeds the stray cats. All twenty–two of them. One look at that ultra-powerful moon and I offered, “One of the most important things to you is the feeling of belonging. It runs your life. Your friends are ultra-important to you. Yes?” “Yes, but growing up I’ve never really had any friends. I’ve been a loner most of the time. I have a thing against normal people; they’re just so boring to me.” I persisted. “Your horoscope shows an overwhelming caring for people, very strong mothering instincts involved with your friends, the group you identify with.” “Oh, yes. I have always wanted to fit in, I just never have and I don’t really need to now. I’ve come to terms with it.” She went on to say she lived in an abusive family in “the smallest town in the world” and found it very hard. In order to adjust, she had turned off a major portion of her chart. In other words, instead of involving herself with lots of people, she became a lone wolf. She literally choked a part of herself into submission because of the small and abusive environment! Well okay. I responded with: “This explains a lot. You need to find your people, a group you can belong to, people who bring out your emotions, if you understand what I mean. Until you do this you will be unhappy. You need to find and belong to your group, your folks, whatever that may mean to you. Lone wolf equals confusion. Am I making sense?” With this and some other material we covered, all the lights came on. “Oh, thank you, this means the world to me.” I was “awesome and amazing” and lots of other things to make me blush. Then very happy, she disappeared back into the cyber world. This is an example demonstrating what an amazing and effective tool you have available to you, should you decide to learn astrology and to use it. Hope you understood and enjoyed the material. Jon Hassinger (Author of Basic Astrology for the Absolute Beginner and writer for Astrolocherry)
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 09:32:34 +0000

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