Here I go again! ;-) Shaking that hornets nest. Being a - TopicsExpress


Here I go again! ;-) Shaking that hornets nest. Being a father and reaching 40 years of age, really has caused me to look at the world we all live in. It has caused me to question the direction we might be going in. And look at who is in positions of power to shape the future. And obviously the events on 9/11 shape the world we live in today. The events are referred to by politicians, when wanting to implement certain policies. Both foreign and domestic. Hence, I write about it and keep researching it. Its great to have so many people email me, privately, and say they too have looked into this and do not believe the official story. The vast majority going as far as to say, they sense it was a False Flag. What happens in the USA impacts on us here. And impacts on the world. Many people have died because of 9/11 and this event keeps being used as a justification for further invasions and wars. Leading to numerous deaths and destruction. This event, is also used to scare people into submission and into having their civil liberties taken away. We must be vigilant against those who (on both sides) seek to use: war, violence and terror to gain control of the worlds natural resources and the people of this world. Right, here we go: planes or missiles? I was stunned when I heard people saying maybe missiles (and not planes) hit the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. And that maybe the towers (all three) were bought down by controlled demolition. I totally rejected the idea. Ill be honest, I laughed at it and those that claimed this. But then I realised how little I knew about that day. I was COMPLETELY unaware of Tower 7. I was completely unaware of Operation Northwoods. I was completely unaware of the Project for the New American Century. I was unaware of the total shut down of the US Air Defence system on 9/11. I was unaware that the Pentagon air defence system was working, but Cheney allowed the plane to hit the Pentagon. I had never looked at the Pentagon crash images and seen the size of the hole or read about the alleged angle of the plane (and the ineptitude of the untrained hijacker). I could go on! I was so ignorant of SO MANY facts, leading up to and after 9/11. I was just, in the dark. Trusting that my government and the US government had it all figured out / covered. We do, dont we? We want to be able to get on with our lives and not worry about security and trust that those in power have our backs covered. We want to believe that they have our best interests at heart and their actions will protect us. But my lack of information and knowledge about 9/11 was a worry. And I kept hearing odd bits of information. So I started looking at the actual footage from that day. And set aside time to listen to the many experts in architecture, engineering and aviation that were questioning the official story of 9/11. Just in case, there was some validity in what they were saying. As I did so, I realised there are some serious questions to ask about that day. One fact that really hit me was that a third tower - Tower 7 - totally collapsed on the same day, at near free fall speed, without being hit by a plane. And it was reported as collapsed on the BBC, 20 minutes before it collapsed! That, in itself is a bit odd. But the main concern is: that NO STEEL SKYSCRAPER has ever been totally brought down by fire. Ever. FACT. This I found hard to believe, so I went researching. And was shocked to find this claim was true. I then listened to talks by eminent architects and engineers explaining why. And why they felt that these collapses, on 9/11, were controlled demolitions. Then theres the hole in the Pentagon being the size of a cruise missile. And the fact that the Pentagon was hit over an hour later, yet the plane was not shot down by the Pentagon anti-aircraft guns and missile Defence system around it. Then theres the Simple Newton physics of the planes hitting the Twin Towers. Newtons Third Law : for every action, there is an equal (in size) and opposite (in direction) reaction. A plane is mainly made up of a thin aluminium body and wings. With steel and titanium engines. The aluminium body is deliberately thin and light, so that it can fly. The plane is filled with plastic, air and humans. When it hits a steel and concrete building at over 500 mph...the plane should be smashed into a thousand pieces (like an egg, hitting a wall). And the aluminium parts of the plane should rebound or atomise. The faster it hits the building, the more it should smash up into pieces. Whilst some of the aluminium and plastic parts should rebound, the planes engines (made of steel and titanium) should imbed themselves in the building. (Like when the Bomber crashed into the Empire State Building 70 years ago). Or fall to the ground. But on 9/11 - the planes slice through (and simply dissolve) into the steel skyscrapers. Completely. They are just absorbed! Meanwhile, the titanium engines just disappear! Never to be found in the building, or the rubble below. All four engines, disappear. In fact, the nose of the second plane (which is thin aluminium) is seen to go completely through the building and come out the other side! Please watch the videos and see this. It is ridiculous. PLUS, all four BLACK BOXES (2 per plane : pilot voice recorder and flight data recorder) disappear. Never to be found in the rubble or seen ever again (even though they give off a signal for a month). They are designed specifically to withstand crashes, fires, mass impacts; so that investigates can work out what happened in the final moments before the planes crash. Yet, despite all these parts of the plane disappearing.... the PASSPORT of the hijacker survived the impact! And was found in the rubble, a couple of days later and handed to the FBI, even though it was made of paper. A small fabricated pieces of evidence, amongst a huge fabricated lie, that more and more people are becoming aware of. But please dont take my word for it. Please take time to study this event for yourself. I understand that this will potentially rock your world view and faith in our leaders.... But we must not let our desire to believe in our leaders and our country and our culture, blind us into believing lies. Especially, when these lies are then used to perpetrate violence and cause death and destruction. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 12:30:04 +0000

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