Here I go, shooting my big mouth off again. It’s not that I - TopicsExpress


Here I go, shooting my big mouth off again. It’s not that I don’t have anything better to do, as a matter of fact, I am way behind in the schedule this week. But it will wait…I need to vent a little. Over the past many months I have noticed a disturbing trend among young, Christian men. Perhaps it is because they are in the Warrior stage of their lives and feel they have to conquer something, looking to prove value and knowledge of or in a particular subject or field. I, for one, will be happy when they mature into the next archetype of life. My issue today is somewhat complex. Basically, I grow weary of the very public and seemingly arrogant and prideful calling out of other ministers or ministries, stating how unbiblical and wrong their message is, by people who are not in ministry, have never lead a ministry and most importantly; couldn’t tell you the name of the last person they served, led to the Lord and or discipled. It’s not that I agree with these “ministers or ministries” being calling out or do I want to defend them. Don’t miss the point. It’s the very platform, method and posture these young men take in doing it. The Apostle Paul wrote we should expose the “works of darkness.” I have no problem with that. But what you are doing in your effort to publicly “expose” these ministries is damaging the many lost who are already leery of the local church!!!! (Emphasis added!) All they see is a church divided and in disagreement and it fosters confusion. Makes me (and them) want to run the other way. The Apostle Paul was writing to the local church in Ephesus, not taking out an ad in the Wall Street Journal, NY Times or broadcasting to the world via Facebook. All that does is confuse unbelievers. While I appreciate your efforts to teach people the Word of God, do it in a forum where the hearer can learn and grow from your words AND, AND do it with all humility. Otherwise, it appears all you are doing nothing more than being controversial and sparking a debate where you can show off your bible study chops. If that be the case, my friend, that is pride and will set you up for a huge, disastrous fall. I recommend lots of prayer and hot tears be spent because your heart us broken for these men rather than a campaign. I grew up during the Jimmy Swaggart, Marvin Gorman and Jim Bakker heyday and subsequent train-wrecks. Swaggart calling out other ministries and ministers (Gorman, Christian Contemporary Music, etc…) was detestable. Swaggart (justifiably) being exposed, humiliated and defrocked was not only a gut punch for both the men involved and those who followed…but also for the (innocent by-standing) local church. We don’t need that. I believe time left on this earth may be very short. Our world is hurting and in some places being turned upside down and inside out at this very moment. People are lonely and desperate for healing, hope, love and attention. I would like to suggest you spend more of your time exposing that and giving your time, effort and energy to bring some relief, than pointing fingers. As usual, my clarion call is; “Go serve someone!” Shine the light in the darkness! Its much better than cursing it. I promise you will do more good for our unbelieving community, the Kingdom of God and yourself, than by ranting publicly over Osteen, Meyer, Warren, Chan, Smith and Jakes’ doctrinal falsehoods. Whew...I feel better already. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 18:15:16 +0000

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