Here a little reading for my right-wing friends who think Common - TopicsExpress


Here a little reading for my right-wing friends who think Common Core is the latest threat to Western Civilization. Common Core was originally promoted and supported by the right as rigorous educational standards for all students... that is until President Obama and leading Democrats got behind it, then it curiously became plot to destroy the nation. This is the problem with the new radical right, if the center and the left begins to agree with them they turn on their own principles because bashing Obama is more important that doing the right thing. I would add that the National Review, publisher of this article, is and has been a leading voice of conservatism in the U.S. for decades. Founder William F. Buckley also wrote an article back in the 60s denouncing the John Birch Society (the original radical right that since reemerged via the hijacked TeaParty) in an effort to restore credibility to the conservative movement. Maybe it is time for thinking conservatives to denounce the radical right extremists once again.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 21:48:41 +0000

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