Here are 10 ways that pastors make church more complicated than it - TopicsExpress


Here are 10 ways that pastors make church more complicated than it needs to be. I’m sure there are others, but this has been my observation: 10. Being unorganized. (This is one that I have struggled with. Administration is not my strong suit, but I’ve gotten better at it over the years and I’ve learned to surround myself with people who do have that gift. Clint Eastwood as “Dirty Harry” once said, “A man’s got to know his limitations. A leader will recognize what his or her weaknesses are and surround him or herself with people who will strengthen that weakness.) 9. Avoiding conflict. (This is another one I struggle with. I hate confrontation, but there are times that issues and the people creating them need to be dealt with. To ignore it just fosters an environment where the problem can grow and become more of hindrance than it needed to be. Bringing correction is our responsibility as long as it’s done gently and in love.) 8. Thinking the church is about you. (Pastor’s come and go, but parishioners are the constant. Pastors need to think less about making their mark on the church and more about earning the trust and respect of his people. Once you’ve done that, they’ll run through walls for you.) 7. Being a micro-manager. (Real leaders raise up other leaders and learn how to delegate authority.) 6. Feeling threatened over the success of those under you. (Some of the most insecure people I have met are pastors.) 5. Trying to copy what other churches are doing rather than getting a specific vision from God for your church. (It’s easy to just mimic what others are doing. It takes a whole lot more effort to get a vision from God that is specific to your church and community.) 4. Overscheduling: (This can be done a couple of different ways. Sometimes we burn our people out by filling up the calendar with so many functions and events that they have no time for themselves. The other way comes within the scope of our church services. Having an order of service is good, but when we become so married to the schedule that we leave no room for the Holy Spirit to work amongst the people, we hinder what God really wants to do. Remember, it’s His house not yours. Sometimes pastors just need to get out of the way.) 3. No clear Vision. ( People respond to vision. They get excited about vision. The vision needs to be clear and well articulated. A church without a clear vision is a like a ship without a rudder.) 2. Focusing more on filling seats than preaching truth or allowing room for the Holy Spirit to move. (Enough said.) 1. Walking by sight and not by faith. (It comes so natural to us to be guided by our circumstances. Pastors are no different. No one ever succeeds at anything without taking a risk and stepping out in faith.) Stay tuned tomorrow. When I’ll list the 10 things parishioners do to make make church more complicated than it needs to be. GISG!!!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 14:18:34 +0000

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