Here are my thoughts concerning the protestors in Ferguson: 1) - TopicsExpress


Here are my thoughts concerning the protestors in Ferguson: 1) How you FEEL is one thing, how you choose to ACT is another. There are many things in life that can make a person feel angry, but we live in a civilized society - and in order to live in a civilized - we make a choice not to respond in an uncivilized manner, and if you do make a choice to respond in an uncivilized manner - you just show people that you are uncivilized. My mother always taught me that if I take revenge on people who have harmed me, then Id be just as bad as they are. It is always best to take the higher road. Sometimes the higher road is painful. People arent perfect - you arent perfect, Im not perfect - try to see things if you can from their perspective - that is very hard I know. I struggle with that too. 2) Vengeance is not our job - thats Gods job - not mine. If I take revenge on harm done to me, then Im putting myself in Gods place, and Im not God. Vengeance is mine - I will repay saith the Lord. 3) Forgiveness is a painful and difficult process - it forces you to see the truth and to see reality and realize that people are imperfect and that things happen in this world that our beyond our comprehension. People do terrible things. Vengeance is a cycle that has no positive ending - it accomplishes nothing - it doesnt erase the pain - staying on this cycle where there must be revenge cannot result in anything good. It just causes more hurt and more pain. I dont think forgiveness comes easily or naturally for people - it is very difficult for me - but it is the only way to live peaceably. Revenge accomplishes nothing. 4) The media can no longer be trusted. In the past the media could be trusted to report the truth - that is obviously not the case anymore. Initial reports of this incident concerning officer Wilson said that Michael Brown was shot fleeing the officer and that he had his hands in the air - now we know that this is not the truth. Dont base your actions on false information. Assume your news is false until proven true. 5) If you fear police, then stay at home and work on your stamp collection rather than rob a convenience store. Youll have a lot better chance of not getting shot that way. 6) realize that our world is not exactly fair and some people are going to be profiled. Do your best to live in peace. 7) If you burn down the grocery store in your own town, then you dont have a place to go and buy food for you and your family - seems counterproductive to me. 8) You arent the only people in our nation who are being discriminated against - but it is your responsibility to rise above your own situation. You cant help the hand you are dealt with, but it is your job to take the lemons and make lemonade. 9) Mind your own business - the situation with Michael Brown really wasnt any of your business. IT was his problem, not yours. You cant do anything about all these other people - you can only do the best you can to make the world a better place yourself - and burning down the town isnt making the world a better place. 10) If you dont want people to think you are animals and savages, quit acting like an animal and a savage. 11) I still dont understand how burning down a Chuck-E-Cheese pizza place has anything to do with Michael Brown getting shot - makes no sense at all to me - its an act of senseless violence that accomplished nothing. 12) If you get anywhere near Wisconsin the abominable snowman is coming after you.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 01:40:01 +0000

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