Here are some old headlines about Charlie Crist. He is NOT good - TopicsExpress


Here are some old headlines about Charlie Crist. He is NOT good for Florida! In May 2008, Charlie Crist Cut $332 Million To Education, Leading To More Than 3,000 Teachers Being Laid Off. In 2009, Crist Signed A Budget Allowing College Tuition To Be Raised Up To 15 Percent Per Year. Charlie Crist claimed the “lie of the year” was not a lie at all, as hundreds of thousands of Floridians will lose their insurance plans Erasing FL From His Twitter Handle Just Another Example Of Charlie Abandoning The Sunshine State In 2009, Charlie Crist decided to abandon the governor’s mansion for the U.S. senate because his “ambitions werent satisfied” Crist “Abandoned His Post When Challenges Were Overwhelming. Crist Was Nowhere To Be Found As Unemployment Skyrocketed, Property Tax And Insurance Structures Were Getting Worse. “Voters did expect Crist to show up for work more regularly and spend more afternoons brainstorming with real experts to find some solutions to Florida’s most pressing issues. It’s not as though the governor lacks challenges. Unemployment is higher than it has been since 1975, and more people are leaving the state than arriving. The property tax structure is worse than when Crist took office, and so is the property insurance situation. The governor has been less than successful in advancing much of his agenda through the Legislature …” Editorial, “A Part-Time Governor For A Full-Time Job,” The St. Petersburg Times, 10/27/09) Crist Was “Too Busy Raising Money For His U.S. Senate Campaign,” Abandoning Florida For Phoenix And Las Vegas. By switching to the Democrat Party it enforces the notion he will do anything for power. Its all about him. He doesnt care about US.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 17:00:52 +0000

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