Here are the Top 5 Modeling Tips geared toward male models. Tip - TopicsExpress


Here are the Top 5 Modeling Tips geared toward male models. Tip #1. Workout! This can be one of your greatest assets if you do. Think of all the swimsuit, athletic apparel, fitness, and underwear jobs you will now be in line for if you can achieve a strong and lean physique. Male models should be prepared to go shirtless at any time with the occasional chance of pant-less. Tip #2. Set yourself apart. Work on your poses and figure out what makes you different from any other male model. If you were in front of a big modeling client who was trying to decide between you and another model, what would set you apart? What would make you worth choosing over the other male model? Work on your poses, get confident, and figure out what makes you better than anyone else? This can be a physical feature or an acquired skill. Tip #3. Prepare for your shoots. Shave, bring all requested articles of clothing, give yourself enough time to arrive punctually, get enough sleep, take it seriously. Many male models believe they can head into a job and simply wing it. Let this be their mistake and not yours. The more professional you are, the more you will be remembered in a positive light. You want to give them every chance to use you again. (As a rule of thumb, always go clean-shaven to a job unless specified otherwise. Use your test and concept shoots to get some bearded or scruffy shots as these are great for you book. But unless specified otherwise, most clients will be happy if you show up clean-shaven as opposed to looking like Gandalf from Lord of the Rings). Tip #4. Take care of your skin. Even the model who has more of the rugged look has nice skin. Even though there will likely be hair stylists and makeup artists on set, it can be quite a challenge to cover up a bad case of acne, sun-burn, overgrown facial hair, scars, or black eyes. Whatever the case, take care of your skin. Tip #5. Maintain a confident and positive attitude. There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. Err on the side of less confidence if you are not certain as to which side you are on. Standing in front of numerous important people and having the knowledge to give them whatever they desire is confidence. Thinking that you know everything and letting everyone else know this is arrogance. Keep quiet and let your modeling speak for itself. Once you have established a good report with everyone, then you can begin to joke and laugh. Also, keep everything positive. Of course, things go wrong. But instead of complaining or showing your discontent, keep a smile on your face as people will notice. Some clients like to use models repetitively once they know they can give them what they want (confidence), and have a great attitude. So there you have it, a blog geared towards helping male models. Male models should always workout. They should also seek to set themselves apart in any way possible; whether it be poses, a physical characteristic, personality, or whatever you can find to set yourself apart from the competition. Male models should also act professionally and prepare for their photo shoots. This includes taking good care of your skin. Taking care of your skin sounds sissy I know, but……… you are male models! Last but not least, maintain that professional attitude. By being confident and positive you will impress clients who may wish to use you again. This is the ultimate goal for a model, to land multiple, repetitive jobs.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 13:45:26 +0000

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