Here are works and doctrines to avoid: Eternal Security; Letter of - TopicsExpress


Here are works and doctrines to avoid: Eternal Security; Letter of the law Tithing; Replacement Theology; Legalistic Sunday & Saturday Sabbath Keeping; Moral & Ceremonial Law Teachings; Second Coming Only Theology (any all at-once redemption doctrine); The all at-once pre-trib (pre-night) Rapture; Pre-wrath Rapture; Preterism; Postmillennialism; Amillennialism; No pictures or music within the Church; Speaking in tongues as the only gift from the Spirit; Denying the gifts of the Spirit; Confessionals; Church traditions and rituals not founded in the Word of God; Nicolaitism (true Church claims and true Church authority); Mariolatry, Denying the deity of Christ; Excessive Word Faith, which more often than not denies the will of God in a situation (2 Tim. 2:12); Christ suffering in Hell, then being born again in Hell—both teachings are antithetical to the Lord’s dying words on the cross: “it is finished.” Moreover, Christ made peace by His shed blood on the cross (Col. 1:20), bearing our sins in His body (1 Pet. 2:24), which is not the torture of His Spirit in Hell. Additionally, the Lord said to the thief on the cross, “today shalt thou be with me in Paradise”—that compartment of Abraham’s Bosom of the righteous, which was never a place of torment; The Manifest Sons of God Doctrine—the specific doctrine that denies the literal & physical return of Christ, such as the like-minded JW & Preterist Doctrines; The unbalanced Prosperity Gospel that doesn’t find place in Hebrews the eleventh chapter; Baptizing for the dead—if this doctrine were true, why then is the Gospel preached? That is, if everyone can be saved by this practice? And why do those who preach the Gospel endanger themselves, especially in certain parts of the world, standing in peril and jeopardy every hour (1 Cor. 15:30)? The state of dead as being totally dead; and last but not least—the total condemnation of others in the Body of Christ for belief in a false doctrines. Simply, we are to reprove, exhort and rebuke with all longsuffering, which is not to condemn others in the Church: “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables” (2 Tim. 4:2-4).
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 16:59:21 +0000

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