Here comes an unpopular post, but here it goes: I have come to - TopicsExpress


Here comes an unpopular post, but here it goes: I have come to the conclusion that another aspect that goes hand-in-hand with cults and cult-leaders (or cult-leader types) is polygamy. I know some people will disagree with me on this, because of the history it has in Judaism. However, it is history and that is where it should remain (in the past, in the dark ages). Those who advocate to bring it into the modern era should be opposed. I am not in anyway shape or form indicting Yemenite Jews (who were isolated from the progression of certain aspects of Judaism), but rather Sola Scriptura---Scripture only---folks. It is NOT enough to say that examples suggest that it is a difficult lifestyle. It is NOT enough to say that it would not be too financially burdensome. Courtesy of Rabbeinu Gershom, polygamy was done away with, and his ban has remained in place. For G-d fearers and G-d lovers, it should be self-evident that one-man and one-woman is the ideal. Someone stated the premise what woman would be like Rachel and Leia but to that I would respond simply, What man could claim to be on the spiritual level of Yaakov Avinu? Answer: no one. Polygamy is a weird notion to modern day listeners and that is how it should remain. The general topic of polygamy is the best way to indict those non-Christians who reject the Oral Torah (Christians should just stay classy and Christian). In my opinion the emotional aspects of people that oppose polygamy, particularly centered on the feelings of women, is MORE TRUE than anything some tanakh only person can try to shove down your throat. Indeed, one must use the stigma and rightful-negative feelings we have rightfully come to have against polygamy to discredit those tanakh only people in the eyes of others, should the tanakh only advocate come to advocate an outdated, oppressive, chauvinistic and abolished tradition. And to further indict these people, also use the topic of slavery, which was not just a form of employment. Not to sound like the first Republicans, but one of the greatest achievements of a progress in morality in the Jewish and non-Jewish world was the doing away with and/or severe restricting to the point of absolute abrogation of these two institutions of polygamy and slavery. With this, tanakh only leaders will have the caracachures of a polygamist slave-owners to overcome which will further assist those who accept Judaism or Christianity in further discrediting their ideology.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 00:42:24 +0000

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