Here is a link to the email contact for Mr Corker. Please - TopicsExpress


Here is a link to the email contact for Mr Corker. Please Tennessee folks Lets tell Mr Corker what we think of his Gas Tax proposal and ask Where all the stimulus money we borrowed went. It was my understanding this was supposed to be for infrastructure and shovel ready road repair and bridge construction. This simple tax is 125.00 a year if you have one car and using 20g a week. I am sure there are no families out there who are a 2 income family and exceed this by 2 and 3X that amount. Of course Mr Corker says he can offset this by extendiong and making permenant some current tax relief laws. Right? I for one am tired of this money shell game. NO MORE TAXES. Hey BOB Try Reading up on THE FAIR TAX to get your money. BTW Bob I noticed a video you and your buddy have on your website about the commuter bridge from Boston to New York that leads into DC. I wonder where this money is supposed to go. So ifyou agree please let BOB know he is no longer right for Tennessee
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 16:28:26 +0000

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