Here is a list of Eric Holder- accomplishments as our attorney - TopicsExpress


Here is a list of Eric Holder- accomplishments as our attorney general. Here are a few of Holder’s articles of impeachment: 1 We have witnessed a refusal to prosecute Wall Street executives for the fraud that destroyed the economy. 2 Also a refusal to prosecute Black Panthers for voter intimidation. 3 Also a refusal to protect voting integrity by fighting against a fair voter ID system and fair voter registration policies, to try and eliminate democratic voter fraud. 4 We have seen the loss of life, including Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, with the gun running operation Fast and Furious. He is also trying to get rid of the 2nd Amendment by shackling law-abiding gun owners with expensive smart-gun bracelets that don’t work yet. 5 We have seen Holder try to defend that restrictions on felons’ voting rights are wrong and immoral. 6 We have heard Holder state that “black students were disciplined more harshly and more frequently because of their race than similarly situated white students.”; 7 Holder states that “muslims should not be profiled and should not cooperate with terrorist FBI investigations because of their civil rights”; 8 and he states that “citizenship to illegals is a ‘civil right’”. 9 We have seen Holder protect the NSA. 10 We have heard Holder committing perjury multiple times in front of Congress. 11 We have seen Holder protect the outright bias of the IRS against conservative groups and NOW denying a special prosecutor and instead using an investigator who is a partisan donor to Obama and Democratic causes, and saying that there is no conflict of interest. This shows that the federal government has no interest in investigating the truth and to find out exactly what happened with any of obama’s scandals. The IRS Attorney General bias will never be corrected, thus giving strong support for either not paying your taxes or abolishing the entire $13 billion department with a fair/flat tax. 12 Holder, issued secret subpoenas to spy on members of the Press, and also wants to monitor newsrooms like a german nazi. 13 Holder will not do anything with Lerner’s contempt of Congress. 14 Holder is telling public schools that they must provide all children with an education regardless of their immigration status. But Holder is attacking successful Charter Schools and vouchers to them while pushing public indoctrination schools. 15 The Supreme Court ruling on the NSA violating the 4th Amendment was turned down since holder had his judge dismiss Rand Paul’s case on false grounds, so holder eliminated the 4th Amendment. 16 Holder is telling state attorneys’ general to ignore laws passed by their legislators.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 20:17:02 +0000

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