Here is a story I wrote last year about my Memories Of Christmas - TopicsExpress


Here is a story I wrote last year about my Memories Of Christmas 1983. As we are in the month of December which of course brings us to that what should be joyous Family-Get-Together Holiday where we celebrate the birth of our Lord I wanted to take a few minutes to share some of my memories of the Christmas of 1983. I had been in the United States Air Force since June of 1982 and was stationed in South Dakota, about 1400 miles from my hometown of Arab, AL. I had put in for 30 days of leave so I could travel back home since enlisting. I had been home briefly just after Basic Training and Technical School but this was the first time Id get to spend any real time back at home. I was a Security Police in the USAF and worked out in the missile field guarding the nuclear missile sites scattered throughout the South Dakota landscape. My work week out in the field usually consisted of 3 1/2 days out in the field and 3 1/2 days off. Of course those off days may be filled with Training, Commanders Call, Appointments and a variety of other things. I had already been approved my leave during the month of December and one the last day out in the field before my leave was to start it started snowing. I had worked the Night Shift so on the day we tripped back in to the base I had already been up for over 12 hours. Once I got released that day I drove home as quickly and safely as I could and it was still snowing. I determined that I was going to make my way back to Alabama regardless. I got to my apartment in Rapid City and quickly unloaded all my gear from being out in the field, changed cloths and started packing my car for the very long trip ahead of me. I had pre-packed a lot of my stuff and had even bought and wrapped Christmas presents for my loved ones back home. Its still snowing as Im packing the car, Im not spending the first day of my leave stuck in South Dakota just because of a little snow, so its off I go! Now driving east across the state of South Dakota from Rapid City to Sioux Falls is only about 350 miles, so just getting out of South Dakota is going to take me some time. From Sioux Falls I turn south and head for Kansas City, MO which is another 360 miles. Remember I had already been up for over 12 hours before I ever started this trip. So now Ive driven over 700 miles, getting close to the 24 hour mark of being awake but very tired. Some where between Kansas City and St. Louis I could just barely stay awake and found me a Rest Stop. I had an old-style wind-up alarm clock and set it for 2 hours, thought surely thatd be enough sleep and then Id be on my way again. Let the drivers seat back a little, covered up with a blanket and had a pillow. I fell asleep in no time and then all of the sudden I woke up and looked at the clock and wondered how in the world I could have slept through that loud ringing when the alarm went off. I did a double take at the clock and I had only been asleep about 15 minutes but felt like I had slept for hours upon hours. So now its on the road again, Alabama bound. During this trip I had stopped at several gas stations etc. and when I paid for my purchases it was all about the same, give them my money and on out the door. All this time until I reached the border of Kentucky there was snow on the ground. Then it happened, I stopped at a place in Kentucky and when I handed them my money and turned around to leave I heard in the most Southern voice since I had been gone say, Thank ye and come back!. HEY I WAS IN THE SOUTH AGAIN and no more snow on the ground!!! I was so tired I just barely remember driving through Nashville, TN, only about 150 miles to go now before Im home and Im nearing the 30 plus something hour mark of being up and on the road. I finally arrived at the street where my Mom lived and as I rounded the corner and saw her house I saw an American Flag and about 20 yellow ribbons on the front porch. I pulled into the drive-way, got out and walked up the porch, knocked on the door. My Mom came to the door and we gave each other the BIGGEST hug a son and his Mother probably could ever give each other. It was so funny though as soon as I walked in she asked me if I wanted to sit down. I had just rode 1400 miles and the last thing I really wanted to do was to sit down! Over the next couple of days I got to see other family members, old high school friends etc., hung out at the Pizza Hut I worked at before leaving and more. Now my Moms birthday was coming up also, on December 21st, just a few days before Christmas. I had wanted to do something special for her so I decided Id cook dinner for her on her birthday. I even had to go to a different grocery store to get everything I needed because she worked at one of the main ones in town. I had everything planned so as soon as she got off of work and got home all she would have to do was to sit down and eat. I even had a birthday cake that I bought, party decorations, snacks for after dinner, I went all out. I had invited my oldest sister and her husband to join us too. The day of the 21st had arrived, it was time for her to be home and she wasnt there. I called the store and she ended up having to work a little overtime, wouldnt you know it. But all in all it turned out great, when she did make it home we all had a great time. I had made the rounds of visiting my Dad and StepMom, Grandmother Stephens, other family members and friends close by. Seems like in those 30 days I was home I was constantly on the road driving back and forth seeing everyone. I remember one day, not long after getting back to Alabama, when I had went up to the store where my Mom worked at and I was getting out of my car, that had South Dakota license plates and me with my military-style short haircut I got some of the strangest looks from a few of those shopping. Those days and times are gone, I lost my Mom to pancreatic cancer in 2000, but I have such fond memories of that Christmas of 1983. As we do approach this holiday season, please never forget the real reason were all getting together with our families. Also never forget those who may not be able to get together with their families because theyre off some far away place serving their Nation or those who have lost their loved ones. May God bless each and everyone of you and to ALL a very Merry Christmas!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:37:50 +0000

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