Here is an article with a TOTAL lack of understanding. Most - TopicsExpress


Here is an article with a TOTAL lack of understanding. Most mental illness that is seen in the world is caused by environmental factors of food and water and other chemicals in the environment and some of this is very well documented and understood by natural health practitioners. Certain unnatural chemicals once they cross the blood brain barrier affect people in a variety of ways, one of those being depression. I, myself, have battled periodic depression because in 1982-1984, while serving in the United States Air Force in Civil Engineering, I was frequently exposed to hazardous waste at storage sites at Minot AFB, North Dakota. Our office tested hundreds of electrical transformers for the use of PCBs. I was in Environmental Engineering at the time and I along with an Industrial Engineer wrote the first Hazardous Waste Storage Plan for the U.S. Air Force. It was not until somewhat later in the U.S. Military that what are today commonly accepted practices in the care for and storage of hazardous waste and disposal of hazardous waste, that are now enforced throughout the military and civilian practice. We frequently went into the hazardous waste storage area and transferred SERIOUS chemicals stored in 55 gallon drums that we eating through those containers into new better lined drums as they were awaiting pickup for disposal and sometimes they sat there for months and years. We wore absolutely no gloves, no ventilation masks and oxygen, and no other sort of protective dress or boots. With the testing of electrical transformers, I would take a long syringe type tube with a rubber ball at one end to provide suction and stick it into the open transformer to siphon out the necessary amount of liquid, put the liquid into a glass container, seal it and move on. The instrument frequently got transformer oil (some with PCBs some not) on my hands and in my vehicle. PCBs are HIGHLY CARCENOGENIC and to know that I am still alive and have never had cancer is a great testimony to the healing POWER of God the Father as millions have died of cancer due to exposure to PCBs and never even knew it. It was not until years later, after searching diligently for an explanation as to why I suffered from depression from time to time that I read an article that triggered the thought in my mind what about depression linked to PCB exposure? From that point, even in the late 90s, it was a fairly simple search to uncover articles on PCBs linking to depression that I knew without a doubt my situation was related to my service in the military and the job I did. Thousands upon thousands of military men and women have died in service to their country who have been exposed to hazardous chemicals and radiation. one of the latest are those who were aboard an aircraft carrier just off coast of Fukishima Japan after the meltdown of those reactors a few years ago and their health problems are horrifying and yet they have had to retain a law firm in California to sue the U.S. Government in order to receive proper treatment while the government refuses to admit the cause of their illnesses. GO FIGURE?!?!?! Thanks, U.S. Government, for the memories ;) usatoday/longform/news/nation/2014/06/25/stigma-of-mental-illness/9875351/
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 21:43:00 +0000

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