Here is one thing I will never understand in women... When a woman - TopicsExpress


Here is one thing I will never understand in women... When a woman has a man that loves his children, takes care of them and u, puts family first, keeps u as a high priority in his life, doesnt cheat on u works hard or has ways to provide for u so the woman doesnt have to work so hard y in the heck do women take that for granted???? Y do they turn into what ALOT of men are and become a heartache for him a problem to him and so unappreciative of what he is for her? Who chooses to run with others and not at least give him the respect a REAL man deserves and just leave him??? Let him have someone he deserves that will love him and treat him the way he lives his life daily deserving of happiness... I dont understand these kind of women... If u actually find a man that can and will take ur worries as one of their own and lighten loads of hardship for u then consider urself VERY LUCKY!!! There are many women who would kill for a man of that caliber... You know that old saying reach for the stars... Well just know when most of us women reach for those stars we never seem to bring one so close to us that we call it home. Cuz u are the one who got that star... And for what??? To mistreat it, abandon it, to break it to ruin it??? Whats sad is u know what u have cuz if u didnt u wouldnt trap it if u wasnt willing to care for it... For all u women who have such a great guy and demand such independence cuz that is ur way of stepping in and out on a GOOD man know this, it is really u the weak one he may be the one hurt now but u are the looser in ur own game in the end... Cuz u maybe able to find another as u see fit but none of them are there for the right reasons but trust me even thou ur man will not cheat know this, their are women lined up waiting for him to finally get tired of ur game and when he leaves and eventually he will, what he will have waiting on him is Quality not Quantity... It is really ur own insecurities and selfishness that will be the reason u loose him no ones fault but ur own... Ur own ignorance will bring ur days of hardship coming. And ur star will no longer shine for u... But will shine for another GLADLY :) appreciate ur Good men ladies because trust me u defiantly have that one in a million... Cuz I for one still search for mine and I know a mans worth but wont settle for nothing but the best for me and mine. And u search out for the ones not worth a ounce of ur time when u have every bit of what life is about sitting at home... If u have that guy be good to him... Just my thought in today good night and God bless my lil bookies;)
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 01:50:06 +0000

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