Here is submission information for the principal and featured - TopicsExpress


Here is submission information for the principal and featured extra roles for The Sacrifice. Before we begin, a couple of notes: The union status and budget of the project is not yet known and may not be known for a couple of months. If your union status would prevent you from participating, in the event we need to shoot non union, be sure to notate that in your submission. Please read each role carefully and only submit for the 1 role you most closely fit. Also note whether you are willing to do background work if offered. We will respond only to submissions that we decide to pursue for the roles. If you dont hear from us, dont take it personally. To submit for a role, send an email with the NAME OF THE CHARACTER you are submitting for in the subject line to thesacrificemovie@yahoo. Please send your head shot and resume or a link to your website. If you have a demo reel, send a link to view it on your hosted site, but please DO NOT send us video. If you send us a video, we will have to delete your submission. Also please only email your submissions, please do not post them to the FB site or PM them. Thank you for your understanding. These are the principal roles and featured background roles to be cast. Beth (30s, Caucasian) – Beth Wilson is Pastor’s (Matt Socia) wife at Life of Grace church. She serves faithfully with her husband and supports his ministry. Girl next door type. Travis (Teens, Caucasian) – Travis Watson is Allison’s (Nancy Chartier) son. After losing his father 3 years ago, Travis and his mom have been each other’s support. But Travis is 15 now, and starting to gain an interest in the world outside his home. Change is always hard, and especially for a teenager without a father. Looking for legal 18. Think: Teenage Angus T Jones, Teenage Haley Joel Osment. Blake (20s, any ethnicity) – Blake is a young up and coming Acquisitions Analyst at Gen Com under Patrick Henderson (Josh Carpenter). Blake finished in the top 5% of his class at Harvard Business School. In his 3 years at Gen Com, he’s become a trusted member of Patrick’s inner circle and often heads acquisition project research. Think: Jesse Eisenberg Crandall (20s, any ethnicity) – Crandall is an Acquisitions Analyst at Gen Com under Patrick Henderson (Josh Carpenter). He is a “Yes” man in every sense of the word. He is book smart, but street ignorant. He wants to be funny and fit in, but he isnt and doesnt. Everyone laughs at him, but he prefers to see it as them laughing with him. He will do almost anything to be accepted and get ahead in life. Problem is he has no clue how. Think: Jesse Plemons, Simon Helberg, Vincent Kartheiser Frank (20s, any ethnicity) – Frank is the third of three Acquisitions Analysts at Gen Com under Patrick Henderson (Josh Carpenter). He is the baby of the trio, just having graduated college this past year. He is more street smart than Crandall, and uses that to his advantage, though he is not as business savvy as his counterparts. He plays himself off as a “Yes” man, but is much more. He’s just paying his dues and learning corporate war strategy. Think: Paul Dano, Sam Huntington Police Officer (Various ages and types) – We will need several police officers including a couple with a few lines. Garden variety police officers. You know that type, male or female. Tyson (50s, any ethnicity) – Tyson is a 30 year veteran of corporate wars in Legal at Gen Com. His specialty is Employee Relations. He should have been General Counsel by now, and he knows it, but his vices always seem to get in the way. Think: Stanley Tucci , Forest Whitaker, Cary Elwes, Vincent D’ Onofrio Carl (50s, Caucasian) – Carl is the Chairman of the Board at Gen Com. Voted in at the inception of the company, Carl was Roland Jennings trusted financial adviser from his very first deal, and theyve long since been friends. Think: Kevin Spacey, James Spader SEC Agent (30s, any ethnicity) – Law Enforcement Agent with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Prototype would be the SEC Agent who arrested Bud Fox in Wall Street, but can be male or female. News Reporter (20s-30s, any ethnicity) – Local TV news field reporter, can be male or female. Charlotte (20s-early 30s, Caucasian) – High Priced Call Girl. Featured non speaking roles: Church Usher (30s-40s, any ethnicity) Nurse (30s-40s, any ethnicity) – Chemo wing nurse, male or female Receptionist (20s, any ethnicity) – Receptionist at Gen Com Corporation, male or female Ice Cream Shop Owner (40s, any ethnicity, male or female) Chemo Parent (30s, any ethnicity but same as Chemo Child) Chemo Child (between 7-13, any ethnicity but same as Chemo Parent) Tammy’s (Ashla Soter) Dad (40s, Caucasian) Husband (40s, Caucasian) Runner (20s, any ethnicity) – Young corporate go-fer. Male or female Tyler (play 7, Caucasian) – Bo (Holt Boggs) and Nancy’s (Kim Jackson Wheeler) son. Police Officers – will need a few police officers with non speaking roles Gen Com Board Members (any age or ethnicity, male or female)
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 20:04:18 +0000

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