Here is the letter I just sent to Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, - TopicsExpress


Here is the letter I just sent to Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, imploring her to veto the gay discrimination bill that has been sent to her. ____ To Honorable Gov. Brewer: I have never visited your beautiful state, but since I was a young child it has been my dream to see the picturesque Grand Canyon. However, if you allow this gay discrimination bill to become law, I fear I will never see that wonder of the natural world. As a gay man, how could I be sure that my partner and I would be able to find a hotel to stay in, restaurants to eat in, or shops to buy goods in if this law is enacted? I surely could not anticipate a peaceful, enjoyable visit if I was fearful that we would not be welcome. In addition to being a gay man, I am also a Christian. While this proposed law is veiled as a protection of religious freedom, it seems absolutely anti-Christian to me. Jesus said that only the sinless should judge the sinners. Indeed, Christianity is about hospitality and love. This proposed law is the opposite of those values. So, governor, I beg of you to veto this anti-gay, anti-Christian bill. If you do, I hope to one day be able to enjoy a sublime vista at the rim of that great canyon. ____ You can send her a message here:
Posted on: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 20:44:18 +0000

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