Here is the nearly complete history of this current violent - TopicsExpress


Here is the nearly complete history of this current violent conflict. In the 6th century B.C. the Hebrew Diaspora began when Babylon conquered the Kingdom of Judah (Israel) and enslaved many of the Hebrew Nation. Many fled Israel to other parts of the world. The majority of the slaves taken by Babylon were taken away to other parts of Babylon. Over the centuries other occupations and persecutions (by Persians, Romans, Muslims, Christians and others) increased the Diaspora or in other words Hebrew/Jewish people choosing to leave their ancestral homes to flee to other parts of the world. Let it be noted that the Ottoman empire (Muslim) actually made welcome Jewish people who were persecuted in other lands such as Spain during the Conquest and Inquisition. This left the Jewish people spread all over the world and often still persecuted as outsiders, foreigners, and unknown people. Jewish peoples in exile tried as much as possible to form supportive communities, and as travelers and foreigners came to rely upon each other for help (as is right and smart in such a situation). This tended to inflame local prejudices. After years of living like this with no stable base a man named Theodor Herzl organized the idea of Zionism in 1897. This ideology came from the notions of Nationalism then becoming present in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This empire was a mishmash of different Nationalities (Austrian, Hungarian, Polish, Ukrainian, Serbian, Croatian, Jewish, Slovenian, German, Italian, Czech, Slovakian, Romanian, Ruthenian, and others). This created many cultural and religious tensions within the empire. Starting ideologically and then politically with the Europe wide revolution of 1848 (Springtime of the Peoples), these different Nationalities began to demand their own territories and representation with the Empires bureaucratic and diffuse governance (The Revolution of 1848 was a monumental revolution, largely peaceful, where the Monarchs of Europe bowed to the wishes of the people for Constitution, Congresses of representation, civil, ethnic, and religious liberties). This notion of a HOMELAND for each people became a fascination of Theodor Herzl and other Jewish peoples. They became sad that they were always immigrants, always foreigners in the lands of their birth. So the idea of Zionism was the notion and desire to reform a homeland and stable base for a widely dispersed and persecuted peoples. The focus of this recolonization became Jerusalem and Israel then under the possession of the Ottoman Empire who was friendly to Jewish peoples socially but not open to the idea of donating its lands and people to a separate Jewish State (what country would be?). In World War One the Ottoman empire joined the Central powers (Germany, Austro-Hungary, and Bulgaria) and upon losing this war the Ottoman Empire which had already felt pains as a far flung and diverse empire, much as Austro-Hungary, fell apart. This reopened the idea of Zionism into popular culture as the area of Israel was now destabilized and no longer under effective rule from the Ottoman Empire, now become simply Turkey. The British while sympathetic to this cause did not then establish Israel. In World War 2 most of the middle east was under British rule. This was a tyranny, because in World War One the British had promised the Arabs who helped them fight the Ottomans that they would have autonomy and the right to rule their own lands (Lawrence of Arabia). However, British Imperialism held sway with the politicians and they occupied the Middle East denying their previous promises and not holding up their end of the bargain after the Muslims shed their blood against other Muslims for the Allied powers. This was largely the beginning of the animosities between the Middle East and the Western Powers (seems to me we started it , but as my Mom always said, it takes two to fight). So in World War 2 Germany gave to the Iraqis some airplanes, artillery, a few military advisers, and some guns and bombs. The British took this as a declaration of revolution and immediately bombed Baghdad to rubble. This was a horrendous atrocity, very much in the spirit of genocide as they murdered without discrimination bombing women, children, elderly, and men alike. Then British troops occupied all of the Middle East for the duration of World War 2, revoking many civil and religious liberties under marshal law. At the end of World War 2 the British and United States Government treating the Middle East as a conquered ally of Germany (which they were not). They determined to support the idea of Zionism and reestablish the Country of Israel; carving it out of the area then occupied largely by the Palestinians, a peaceful Muslim culture who up to this point had accepted Jewish presence, freedom of religion, and access to ancient holy religious relics and places. In this fashion it was not the Jewish people themselves who imposed this tyranny and it was not the Palestinian people who enacted persecution. Instead it was foreign tyrannical States (the United States, and Great Britain) that enforced a paradigm shift that created animosity between these two peoples. In defense of the Jewish peoples and Zionism, it was a peaceful movement. Seeking a homeland for a displaced and persecuted peoples who had been genocided and pushed all over Europe for over a thousand years (the Inquisition and Crusades targeted Jewish peoples as much as they targeted Muslim peoples). The Holocaust in World War 2 was a deliberate, wicked, extermination of Jewish and other peoples that murdered upwards of 6 million Jewish people in Europe. This was one of the largest, most inhumane, unacceptable, depraved atrocities and genocides in human history. After this it was important to find a safe harbor for the Jewish nation, and peace, space to grieve and heal. There is no need to give an ideological defense of the Palestinians at this point. They had done nothing wrong, harmed no one, lived their lives peacefully and kindly under the tyranny of first the Ottoman Empire and then under British Imperialism and Marshal law. Now The U.S. and Britain imposed the most inhumane tyranny upon them in the name of a people that they had received and been kind to. The fault at this point lies entirely upon the shoulders of the British and United States politicians who enforced this tyrannical establishment of a State of Israel. They disregarded precedence, liberty, freedom, due process of law, kindness, morals, and sanctity. The slim excuse of aiding a grieving and horribly wounded people, enabled these tyrannies to establish a form of control on an area important for future world development economically (Black Gold, Oil) and using the Jewish people to fight with the Muslims for control of the Middle East. This was a sly and corrupt action. Christian states turning the Jewish people and the Muslim people against one another to reduce the power and influence of both groups. This is no less an atrocity then the Crusades or the Inquisition, it is just more hidden and indirect an act. The history of Israel the country then progressed. There was intense fighting between the Israelis (aided by Britain and the U.S.) and the Palestinians (aided by Syria, but mostly on their own). This amounted to the genocide of the Palestinians living in the lands of what now was dubbed Israel by the Western Powers. ALL of Israel had been Palestinian land for thousands of years. Religious connections, Jewish persecutions, and other associations were used to support these acts to the masses in the U.S. and Great Britain. But the true motive of the Politicians and corporations was control in the Middle East and influence over the resources (oil) in the future. Who would stand by while their homeland for thousands of years was taken by a foreign tyranny? The Palestinians had war declared upon them for no other reason than foreign aggression, corruption, and greed. Their lands occupied, their families exterminated and the remainders fleeing or being forced into small areas of containment like Gaza and the Western Bank. They had previously accepted, respected, and even at times encouraged Jewish people to settle amongst them. They had shown a true peace and positivity in sharing the Holy land, its sites and relics with the Jewish, Christian, and other peoples. It was the Western Christian Republics that created a great stress throwing the Jewish people and the Palestinians into a new genocide, a new war, a new persecution, new atrocities, and the formation of negative states of living, occupied, segregated, enforced areas with fewer civil liberties, wealth, health, and access to human rights ( this is all very reminiscent of the way the German State treated the Jewish people during the Holocaust and let it be noted that 2 wrongs do not make a right, they simply make more wrong). This situation has become more stable than the terrors of 1948 and other subsequent wars. However, there remains a persecution, a genocide, and enforced enclosure with reduced civil liberties for an ethnic peoples. Prejudices and resentments simply based on culture, religion, and ethnicity. This is bigotry pure and simple to the extent of genocide. Let us not forget the Wests role in this. The manner in which we pursued and supported Zionism has caused this situation. There were other options that would have served the sincere desire for a peaceful homeland for the Jewish Nation. The Palestinians were friendly to the Jewish Nation before the Western conquerors of World War 2 imposed a tyranny and enforced a violent, uncompromising, and dictatorial governance. The unjustified and dictatorial seizing of Palestinian lands has caused this continuing resentment, anger, violence, and genocide. Let us now come together with understanding and peace so that we may begin to heal this imposed, unhealthy, artificial, social, cultural, and religious discrimination and genocide. Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding. Self Reliance, Ralph Waldo Emerson I do not seek to discriminate or take sides. I have put great effort into presenting this information with accuracy and candor. I feel that what I have written is mostly historical truth and accurate. I am willing to discuss and listen to contrary opinions about this. I am a proud United States citizen and so my scathing appraisal of the U.S. and British Politicians does not serve my personal interest or objectives. I love the U.S. and I think we have a good thing going. However, Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves, Henry David Thoreau. Must the citizen ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his(/her) conscience to the legislator? Why has every (hu)man a conscience then? I think that we should be (hu)men first, and subjects afterward, Henry David Thoreau. If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law, Henry David Thoreau. If a plant cannot live according to its nature, it dies; and so a (hu)man, Henry David Thoreau. I am too high born to be propertied, To be a second at control, Or useful serving-man and instrument To any sovereign state throughout the world, Henry David Thoreau. And so even as a happy and proud United States Citizen, I feel it is my duty and not unpatriotic to point out fault where I see it, and be the first one to admit to the errors of my politicians, civilization, and self. Can we not admit our own faults and begin to remedy and heal? That being said my recriminations are my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 04:54:38 +0000

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