Here is the second half of our AGE - TopicsExpress



Here is the second half of our AGE alphabet: Neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy is a general term used to describe damage to the nerves caused by diabetes. This damage leads to sensory loss, sharp pains, numbness in the limbs, and other problems. Diabetic neuropathy is also the leading cause of amputations that don’t involve accidents or trauma. Numerous studies have linked high levels of AGEs to neuropathy in diabetes patients. Oxidant. Remember our blurb on antioxidants and free radicals from Part 1? Free radicals are the rogue molecules that tear through the body, leaving a path of destruction in their wake. Free radicals are substances known as oxidants, which are harmful forms of oxygen in the body. AGEs are also oxidants. They cling to our healthy organs and tissues, corroding them the same way rust damages a car. Proteins. AGEs cause proteins to stick together, which is one of the ways AGEs damage the body and result in premature aging. Over time, these AGE-infested proteins become inflexible. This is one of the reasons why our joints and muscles become stiff and rigid over time. Quantity. One of the keys to controlling AGEs is to control the quantity of certain things you put into your body. Avoid foods with a high quantity of AGEs, including sugary and fattening foods, processed foods, and grilled or broiled meats. Instead, eat foods with a low quantity of AGEs, including fruits and vegetables and whole grains. R-AGE. RAGE stands for the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products. In very simplified terms, RAGEs are part of the immune system that bind to AGEs and help eliminate them. While RAGE helps defend the body from AGEs, they also create a few problems in the process. When they combine with AGEs, they trigger inflammation. Inflammation is a key contributor to many diseases. Sugar. Sugar is the main culprit in AGE formation and accumulation. Too much sugar in the diet not only creates a myriad of AGEs and health problems, but it does it fast—in one study, participants who ate a controlled diet that contained high levels of fructose (a form of sugar) gained new fat around their heart, liver, and other organs in just 10 weeks. Fat that’s packed between and around the organs, called visceral fat, is the most dangerous of all. Temperature. Food AGEs are created under high-temperature, dry heat conditions, including frying, grilling, browning, broiling, and caramelizing. Limit AGEs by cooking at lower temperatures and cooking with water. Slow cooking, stewing, boiling, and braising are all low-AGE cooking methods. UV exposure. Excessive exposure to the sun’s harmful rays not only damages your skin by reducing collagen levels, but it also speeds up the glycation process. As you might remember from yesterday’s post, glycation is the process that creates AGEs themselves. Vessels. AGE accumulation is linked to a number of cardiovascular issues, primarily because of their effect on blood vessels. Have you ever had a clogged drain that gets backed up from hair and other gunk that sticks to the pipes? AGEs have a similar effect on the blood vessels. Remember, AGEs are oxidants (harmful forms of oxygen). They oxidize lipoproteins, which causes them to become sticky and cling to the walls of blood vessels, slowing and potentially blocking blood flow to the heart or brain. Weight. Type 2 diabetes research has provided us with a great deal of insight on AGEs. Many of the complications associated with this type of diabetes are the result of AGEs. Type 2 diabetes is almost always associated with excess body weight or a higher than normal BMI. So, controlling your weight by exercising and eating less sugary, fattening, and AGE-rich foods can help you ward off diabetes and AGEs. EXercise. Exercise is one of the best ways to combat AGE formation. Studies have shown that even moderate regular exercise reduces AGEs in the body. Youthful. Taking steps to control AGEs in the body can help you feel younger, longer. Limiting AGEs can restore or prolong a youthful appearance and way of life. Zinc. Zinc is a mineral not only found in nature, but in our bodies as well. In particular, it plays an essential role in skin health. Multiple clinical trials have found that zinc is also an anti-glycating agent (ie, AGE buster). It helps protect the skin from AGE damage by limiting cell death and fortifying skin against the loss of elasticity and firmness. (FYI, zinc is one of the most potent ingredients in our soon-to-be-unveiled skincare product.) So there you have it—essential AGE information from A-Z. Every day, we’re learning more and more about AGEs, and we’ll be sure to pass that information along to you. The more we know about AGEs and the better we understand the effects they have on our health and vitality, the more empowered we will become in helping spread AGE awareness. Ultimately, these efforts will help people all across the world live younger, longer.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 15:37:12 +0000

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