Here we go again. I thought I was crystal clear about my disdain - TopicsExpress


Here we go again. I thought I was crystal clear about my disdain for people sending me inbox messages and emails chastising and criticizing me for my comments and the positions I take. Well, Constance Johnson, it’s your time to step up to the plate for you to understand how little I care about your thoughts, feelings and comments. Your cowardly way of sending me an inbox that had nothing to do with you or your worthless campaign for the 34th District was feeble at best. And then to offer your criticism tinged with how God is on your side does more a disservice to real Christians who are not as full of shit as you are personally and professionally. If you’re trying to play in the big leagues and challenge Brock for his seat, your recent actions sure represent someone who’s not even ready to play in the kiddie leagues. Over the past few months, I watched you make personal attacks on people, hurl unfounded allegations and then try to put God in the mix as a buffer for you to ease the chaos you’ve created. I don’t know this God fella you keep trying to use as a shield to deflect your bullshit, but the God I know doesn’t get involved in petty politics and personality conflicts like you have created. When you resorted to calling out a respect political leaders mother in an exchange because they disagreed with your warped and idiotic views, that was low. You constantly make allegations that people who are in this fight for nothing but for the good of the whole, are in it for selfish reasons. Now that that is divisive. Youve lost a lot of peoples trust that you once had. You have criticized the Nightcrawlers for our efforts and talked down to us about being out at night praying, yet you have never once walked ten steps with us to see what we’re all about. If it’s not for your glorification or in line with what you believe, you condemn and criticize it. What have you done to actually get out in the streets and try to effect change. A campaign poster, a lightly worded speech and promises you have no way of keeping is no comfort to those in the streets in pain and suffering You nearly destroyed the Chamber at one point with your hateful views and religious condemnation. We’ve managed to rebuild it to a very strong and functioning organization that is doing some great things. You asked in April if you could rejoin, but after a poll was taken you were viewed as too toxic and not in line with what our Group wants or needs. You can go out and tout all the BS campaign propaganda you want, but you have little to no respect within the Democratic Party, our organization and many or within the community. I invited you to speak at a couple of Chamber events and it was evident no one respects you or your platform. I will not waste a vote on you November 4th nor will I encourage anyone I associate with to do so as well. On the ballot I will leave that block empty and will encourage my friends and associates to do that as well. I don’t think I will have to work too hard or expend much effort to do that as you are basically persona non grate at this point anyway. I don’t appreciate you leveling the allegations at me you did this morning and accusing me of subverting anyone’s campaign. I spoke to the person running and they are happy and comfortable with my assistance. To say that I have selfish motives, feel that I create divisiveness amongst Blacks and Whites and have hate in my heart is untrue and unsubstantiated. You criticized the Community meeting we have scheduled for July 23rd , yet you have not once attended a planning session, sat in on a planning phone call or know who is involved. You accused me of taking Miller Rec and making it a Black only facility. When the City had their similar meeting there in May, I didn’t hear one word from you saying it was a White event? Hell, I don’t even remember you attending. You have designated this meeting a Black event only but failed to ask if we had invited the Tea Party, and people from ALL communities and Churches to participate. Yes we have. You condemned me for speaking out against Pete Kennedy and the City Council on the City Manager debacle. I’m not the only one who is upset and incensed about this mismanagement of so much money. Instead of lashing out at me, call Kennedy and the other Council Members and criticize them. I didn’t write the checks. I don’t believe in blind allegiance and will not support anyone or anything just because it’s Black. A snake is a snake to me and I will support who is for right and what is right. In turn, I have never ever initiated or gone after anyone. But when it comes to racism or racist attitudes and comments directed at me or my Culture, I’m going to respond harshly without concern for feelings or repercussions. I’m considering a run for Council, but if it means that I will censor myself or compromise my integrity, I have no use for the Office. So, if anyone wants to screenshot a comment I’ve made, please feel free. Paint it in watercolors and post it in picture form too. I will always speak the truth In the more than 20 years I’ve fought for equality I this City, not once I have I ever accepted an award, a plaque or any type of recognition for my efforts. I don’t accept coffee or dinner invitations either. I’m not for sell. So, before you sit down and send me another misaligned and error filled message condemning and criticizing me, please take the time to get your facts straight. I have no problem talking personally with anyone and I’ve enjoyed leaders from the County, the Tea Party, the Rowan Free Press, City Council, the Post and regular citizens both Black and White who have not taken your cowards way and try to scold me in an email. Lastly, the 5th of November reference I made was from a movie. I’m aware of when election day is, so you didn’t have to patronizingly correct me as if I was uneducated on the political process. Stop by Netflix and educate yourself instead of looking that much more like an idiot I will not vote for you in November or encourage anyone else to either. Since you saw the need to create a situation where there was none with your series of unprovoked inboxes this morning, I will not sit silently any longer and watch you destroy the great movement we’ve started. In addition to not wasting a vote, I will be creating a FB Page and encourage people to share their feelings of why they shouldn’t vote for you in November. It will be interesting to read how others’ take on of how you’ve created controversy and wreaked havoc in their lives. But, I won’t take your cowardly route and not allow you access or use your warped view of religious condemnation to defend it. My suggestion is to put more effort into your failing campaign instead of constantly trying to berate others positive efforts.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 17:14:00 +0000

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