Heres Story Waters reply to my two questions I asked him to have - TopicsExpress


Heres Story Waters reply to my two questions I asked him to have Seth answer the next time he channels Seth. He has teflon-coated himself, avoiding answering, likely for obvious reasons and Im not the first or only one who has queried him over Seth channeling. He likely takes a lot of heat. What do you think of his answer?...fron... Support To me Today at 10:32 AM Hi Ron, thanks for sending the questions. Unfortunately they will not be answered by myself. I have spent the last decade evolving my art of channeling spiritual wisdom and I have never engaged in questions about dead people or other such test questions. Any channeler, including Jane, has hits and misses, and I never wanted to go down the path of that minefield as it is not a good way to evolve the ability. My philosophy has always been that my gift is best served by focusing on spiritual teaching. For example, I see the pages in Jane books where they tried such tests and measured how fat their fingers were etc as an incredible waste of time and boring to read. It was always the spiritual philosophy that was important to me as I had no doubt of Seths existence. In short I dont want proof in the way Jane and Rob did. Answering those kinds of specific questions requires years of practice to build up a symbolic language that can be communicated without words; all my such symbols only related to conveying spiritual ideas and not the location of objects. Becoming someone who spends their life answering these kind of small questions for money instead of writing books about the nature of reality would be the road to misery for me. I realize that you will probably just be reading this as he is not channeling Seth otherwise he would answer. But maybe just put yourself in my shoes for a moment, if you do then you will see that even if I could answer your questions (which I cant) then I would be a fool to become the test-child for proof of channeling as that is what it would become if I had the ability you hope I have. I must prefer delivering some of the best spiritual teaching out there and having the world ignore it (for now!). I hope you find what you are looking for. I feel in this moment from Seth (the first time I have felt him writing this) that you communicate with him often which makes your email to me confusing. Perhaps you just dont allow yourself to consciously believe it is him. (listen to Anyone can channel me below) As I said Im guessing Ive already failed your test, but if you do wish to inquire further then here are some videos of me channeling Seth which I give to you freely. I suggest to you that the answer to your questions lies not in proving specifics, but in feeling Seth in your heart and creating from there. Anyone can channel me : https://vimeo/storywaters/review/93759674/941291fe41 Do Not Share This : https://vimeo/storywaters/review/93759675/db71b67f47 Fear Has Had Its Day : https://vimeo/storywaters/review/93759670/4bc47a7543 The SunSet Channel : https://vimeo/storywaters/review/103406068/02fd45f08f I hope you get some value from them. best wishes, Story p.s. the whole other can of worms Ive not opened here is that I dont think identity works in the individuated way you imagine so I do not channel Seth in the way Jane did. I experience everything (including Seth) as aspects of the One Consciousness we all are. More directly I experience Seth and Jane as two of nine focuses behind the intention of my birth within the Bridging Consciousness of Earth. p.p.s. the fact that I have written this much to you means Seth must really like you because from my human standpoint this is not a conversation I generally continue to engage in. I strongly suggest you seek to make your own communications with Seth conscious. Support [email protected] Limitlessness
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 22:53:28 +0000

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