Heres a little update on the Stonefront/Garwood mansion movie that - TopicsExpress


Heres a little update on the Stonefront/Garwood mansion movie that is now called Stones Throw; its been a while since Ive been on this website, and a lot of good things have been happening so here are some updates. First off check out a couple of these photographs by the legendary photojournalist, Pulitzer Prize nominee, and Detroit native John Collier. These are just a couple of examples of what is in the film, and if any of you made it to any of those outrageous parties we used to have you might recognize a couple things. The color photo a shot of the ballroom while Stonefront is practicing, and on party nights this place would be packed shoulder to shoulder with some wild-assed party-goers......all for about a buck at the door--or whatever one might be able to give up out of their stash. The other photo is an overhead shot of people waiting in the marble foyer to get into the ballroom where all the real action was taking place. There was usually a long line of stoners and other folks stretching out the door and down the front door steps. No worry about being too late for the party, because we usually rocked it all night long and well into the next day. The movie is nearing completion and getting ready for release sometime in the summer of 2015. As of this date we are not scheduled to show it in Detroit, but the Ann Arbor Film Festival is on the list of places we are going to show it, so I will keep you posted on that development. Many of you may be too young to have been able to be part of this amazing story, but if youve heard any of the rumors about the Garwood Mansion and Stonefront that might be floating around out there in the rock n roll circles of Detroit then this is your chance to find out what is real and what is folklore; sometimes it will be hard to tell the difference. Some of the older rockers posting on this website have been there and done that and probably (like me) would like to go back there and do it again. It truly was an amazing experience. Tim Welch is heading up this project for River Wye Productions out of London, England, after taking over the reins from his father Robin Welch who was the original producer and the sax player in the ultimate version of Stonefront. Robin passed away some months back, and that has been the major reason for the delay in getting this project released. But we are back on track and rolling strong and Im looking forward to finishing up this project and getting it out for the world to see. Tim sent me an email a couple weeks ago, and boy did he lay a bunch of links on me that will take you to various websites and other pages so that you can get the latest info and updates. I especially like any of the places where you can play the movie trailer, so I encourage you to take a quick peek at that. Heres what Im talking about: New Main Website stonesthrowfilm/ Facebook Pages Film https://facebook/stonesthrowfilm Music: https://facebook/stonefrontmusic Twitter Pages Film https://twitter/stonesthrower Music: https://twitter/Stonefrontband Instagram Feeds Film instagram/stonesthrowfilm Music: instagram/stonefrontmusic YouTube Channels Film https://youtube/channel/UC32N_6gr0TBgg0RneAgXqiA/playlists Music: https://youtube/channel/UC20U7X5yKyciyFAh73DKqHA/playlists Tumblr Page stonesthrowfilm.tumblr/ Soundlcoud Profile https://soundcloud/stonefront I will continue this mini-novel at a later date, and finish up by saying how sorry I am that I couldnt make the Maestro of Rock Dick Wagners memorial gig last week. I understand from some dear friends of mine who did make it to the event that it was absolutely stunning and overwhelming and befitting of a man of Mr. Wagners stature. The music world in general and Detroit in particular lost a wonderful, powerful, and a just plain regular old good guy when Dick left us. I have fond memories of the few times I did get to meet and play with him, and I will cherish those forever.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 19:57:03 +0000

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